McGann made a Quick Decision


McGann made a quick decision for the 50th

Paul McGann explained that in his appearance in the mini episode Night of the Doctor that he only had a moment to decide to be the Doctor once more. McGann had this to say.

“It was a quick decision. Steven Moffat got in touch and said ‘If I were to write it, would you do it?’ I asked could I think about it and he said ‘Think about it now… because we want to do it next week.’ I had such a quick decision to make and I’m glad, because sometimes when you do things quickly, it’s better.”

“I felt when I arrived in Cardiff that [Moffat] had probably written it the day before. That was the only gap he had, on that Sunday, because they were trying to finish the big 50th. We arrived and it was next to the set of the 50th and [the actors] had all left. They’d had the party the night before and they’d all just left. We arrived the next day and shot the mini-episode.”

It was a good thing that he did because it was amazing finally seeing the 8th Doctor on screen again and get a much needed regeneration scene. We also got to see McGann’s doctor look because what some fans don’t know is the original look was chosen by the directors and he was required to wear an uncomfortable wig.  This time he got to pick his own style which I felt in combination with all the audio dramas he did since the Doctor Who movie, made him a much more confident and entertaining Doctor. The only problem is that probably means this is the last time we’ll ever see the 8th Doctor. Well at least we can enjoy his audio dramas as they still continue.

Jacob Carpenter is the writer for TSCN.TV and also a blogger under the name JSnakeC on IGN

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