A Seinfeld Reunion?

Seinfeld Cast

A Seinfeld reunion in the works

Jerry Seinfeld and Jason Alexander (George) were recently seen at Tom’s Restaurant, a place where many scenes in Seinfeld took place.  When Jerry Seinfeld made an appearance on Boomer and Carton he was asked questions about this encounter. He explained a reunion was in the works, but it wasn’t for the Super Bowl.

Seinfeld went on to explain that it was “a secret project,” and confirmed other cast members were included. So while we don’t know what’s going on there is a possibility for Seinfeld to return, but will it be just an episode, a season, a short? Hard to say, but at least we can enjoy the fact that Seinfeld is returning some way some how.

Jacob Carpenter is the writer for TSCN.TV and also a blogger under the name JSnakeC on IGN

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