On this magic video I decide to use a trick on Jacob that is one part coin trick and one part card trick to make even the intelligent member of the network crack an amazed smile.
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Samcast Extra: Now You See Me Review
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On this Samcast extra with another magic movie coming out there wasn’t a chance that Samuel wasn’t going to see it along with Sue and Danny they talk about their thoughts without spoilers before going into the second part of the review with the chains off to talk about the movie as a whole.
To find previous episodes go to: tscn.tv/samcast
To see all the shownotes for this episode go to: tscn.tv/samcastseeme
To subscribe to this podcast put this link in your favorite podcatcher:
Send feedback to: samcastfeedback@gmail.com or comment in the post below!
music by Derek K. Miller at http://www.penmachine.com/
Artwork by Kevin Draper
Samcast episode 163: WWE3
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On this weeks Samcast the crew talks about the only things that happened this week..E3 and WWDC..at least they get a Doctor Who rumor into the mix as well..all that on this episode of Samcast!
Apple to overhaul iOS7:
13 ways animal crossing breaks your heart: http://www.buzzfeed.com/kevintang/13-ways-animal-crossing-will-stomp-on-your-heart
The Microsoft E3 press conference: http://www.destructoid.com/everything-that-happened-at-the-microsoft-e3-conference-255858.phtml
Nintendo E3 Direct: http://www.destructoid.com/here-s-everything-that-happened-at-nintendo-s-e3-direct-256028.phtml
Sony E3 press conference: http://www.destructoid.com/here-s-everything-that-happened-at-sony-s-e3-conference-255959.phtml
Jacobs thoughts on E3: http://www.ign.com/blogs/jsnakec/2013/06/12/jsnakecs-e3-opinion
BBC may have found some long lost Doctor Who episodes:http://www.blastr.com/2013-6-13/rumor-day-bbc-just-found-lot-long-lost-doctor-who-eps
To find previous episodes go to: tscn.tv/samcast
To see all the shownotes for this episode go to: tscn.tv/samcast163
To subscribe to this podcast put this link in your favorite podcatcher!
Send feedback to: samcastfeedback@gmail.com or comment in the post below!
music by Derek K. Miller at http://www.penmachine.com/
Artwork by Kevin Draper
This weeks image by: Mooshuu
Living With Epilepsy
On this Vlog I talk about a moment at work that made me want to share my story of dealing with epilepsy and how those that do have the disease are not as alone as it feels.
Jacob Surprises Samuel
On this weeks Samcast Jacob came back from a convention with a little birthday surprise for Samuel..here is the setup and the reaction to it.
Samcast episode 162: Believe it or not!
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On this weeks Samcast the crew talks about bad news from the Xbox One, A study that shows getting rid of used games would be a bad idea unless a few other changes were made, Matt Smith leaving Doctor Who, and Jacob comes back from a convention with his thoughts and a surprise for Samuel.
Scorpion in Injustice Gods Among Us: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/06/03/injustice-gods-among-us-scorpion-dlc-announced
You come to me from a Galaxy far far away: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/06/03/al-pacino-was-almost-han-solo
A new Wolverine?: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/06/03/hugh-jackman-retiring-as-wolverine
Patrick Stewart back as Professor X: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/06/03/patrick-stewart-on-x-men-days-of-future-past
A new Planet, lets call it Gallifrey: http://www.foxnews.com/science/2013/06/03/never-before-seen-alien-planet-imaged-directly-in-new-photo/
Matt Smith to leave Doctor Who: http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/doctorwho/articles/Matt-Smith-to-leave-Doctor-Who
Killing used game sales would have negative effects: http://www.destructoid.com/using-science-to-learn-the-effects-of-killing-used-games-254913.phtml
Portal Bedroom: http://portalbedroom.wordpress.com/page/2/
Xbox confirms what many fans were dreading: http://www.techspot.com/news/52824-xbox-one-will-force-gamers-to-stay-online-after-all.html
To find previous episodes go to: tscn.tv/samcast
To see all the shownotes for this episode go to: tscn.tv/samcast162
To subscribe to this podcast put this link in your favorite podcatcher:
Send feedback to: samcastfeedback@gmail.com or comment in the post below!
music by Derek K. Miller at http://www.penmachine.com/
Artwork by Kevin Draper
Why Vlog?
The time has come for me to give vlogging another shot! In this vlog I explain what inspired me to give it another chance and my plans for the future with this new project.
Samcast episode 161: Doctor Who Season 7B
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On this weeks episode of Samcast Samuel and Donovan talk about their thoughts about the second half of Doctor Who season 7 before being joined from the past by Jacob to share what he thought about it all. All that on this longer than normal episode of Samcast.
To find previous episodes go to: tscn.tv/samcast
To see all the shownotes for this episode go to: tscn.tv/samcast161
To subscribe to this podcast put this link in your favorite podcatcher:
Send feedback to: samcastfeedback@gmail.com or comment in the post below!
music by Derek K. Miller at http://www.penmachine.com/
Artwork by Kevin Draper
This weeks image by doctorwhospoilers
Let’s Play Psychonauts: My first Hour
Double Fine studios is the latest group to be part of the Humble Bundle project and this time I had to take advantage of it to get my hands on a game from the first generation of the Xbox that i never got the chance to play until now! Here is my first hour of playing Psychonauts!
Part 1:
Part 2:
For more Let’s Play videos go to tscn.tv/play
Samcast episode 160: MMM
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On this weeks Samcast it’s time for another Monthly Music Mixup where the crew sees little grey sparrows at two in the morning while fancying pants outside and inside before admitting they don’t know and just give in..man sometimes these descriptions are a stretch…
Little Grey Sparrow-Karyn Ellis
Two in the Morning- Hulon
Fancy The Pants- Steve Goodie
Insides Outsides- Shearer
I Don’t Know- Shane Howard Band
Giving In- Southside Chiefs
To find previous episodes go to: tscn.tv/samcast
To see all the shownotes for this episode go to: tscn.tv/samcast160
To subscribe to this podcast put this link in your favorite podcatcher:
Send feedback to: samcastfeedback@gmail.com or comment in the post below!
music by Derek K. Miller at http://www.penmachine.com/
Artwork by Kevin Draper