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All posts by admin
Can’t come up with a witty remark in a tough situation that needs one? Let the great Samuel L. Jackson do it for you with iSamJackson!
iPod App Review- Get Glue
Want to use a check in service but really don’t want someone knowing where you are? I think I have just the app for you.
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iPod App Review- Grocery IQ
On this weeks iPod App review I look at the grocery list making app Grocery IQ.
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iPod App Review- We City
This week I review We City and see if this social game is worth the addiction or better off not even beginning it in the first place.
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iPod App Review- Doctor Who The Mazes of Time
The BBC decided to give all the doctor who fans a Christmas gift in the form of a new doctor who game for the iPod but would you have rather gotten a sweater? I review it and let you know this week on iPod app reviews.
iPod App Review- Riseing Blocks
This week I cover my first game for the iPod. It’s the strangely addictive puzzle game called Rising Blocks.
iPod App Review- Rising Blocks
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Ipod app review- Web MD
After being sick last week I come back with a review of the app I should have used to figure out what was wrong with me.
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iPod app review- Worlds Smallest Violin
On this edition of iPod app reviews I show you how your iPod touch can be a wonderful tool for sarcasm.
iPod App Reviews Worlds Smallest Violin
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iPod app review: Pocket Chris
Is anyone a fan of photography or maybe curious about starting it up as a hobby? I think I have just the app for both the experienced and the new comers. The expertise of Chris Marquardt in your pocket.
If you want this app click the link below: