On this Let’s Play Jacob and Samuel finally find the thing they have been searching for..that what literally right behind them the whole time..A cavern..and with that cavern a whole new set of problems!
On this Let’s Play Jacob and Samuel finally find the thing they have been searching for..that what literally right behind them the whole time..A cavern..and with that cavern a whole new set of problems!
On this Let’s Play the video starts off with a bang by finding the ever rare diamonds in game, Samuel shows off a trick for dealing with gravel before accidentally betraying Jacob, and making up for it by getting over his fear of mobs.
See new Let’s Plays every Friday at tscn.tv/play around 4-5pm EST
I recently got a Game Capture box from Elgato so I can start doing console Let’s Plays with Jacob. In this video I test it out with a play of a challenge from Pikmin 3 where my least favorite creature in the universe decides to pay me an unwanted visit.
On this Halloween edition of Let’s Play Minecraft, I decide to turn the lights off in the studio and take on a adventure map based on a classic horror game Staircase. If you like hearing someone squirm, yell in surprise, or even nearly swear..this is the Let’s Play for you!
On this Let’s Play despite a head cold Samuel decides to brave the elements for a mining contract he would normally never take in a million years..he has to get nether quartz which means only one thing..he finally has to get brave enough to go to the nether himself with none of the usual cast of characters to protect him.
On this long overdue Let’s Play Minecraft Survival, Samuel shows his almost OCD like strategy for mining, along with finding our first minerals underground and spend a night getting shot at!
To find more Let’s Plays go to tscn.tv/play
Since Jacob has gotten the hang of Minecraft after so long the crew started up a new survival world arriving in a field of cows and got to work! In this video they set up their base a bit to easily before realizing that a mistaken setting made it that way, Samuel shows Jacob how to garden, and shows the kit he always takes with him when going mining.
Double Fine studios is the latest group to be part of the Humble Bundle project and this time I had to take advantage of it to get my hands on a game from the first generation of the Xbox that i never got the chance to play until now! Here is my first hour of playing Psychonauts!
Part 1:
Part 2:
For more Let’s Play videos go to tscn.tv/play
On this Let’s Play Dragon and Sam take a look at the possibility of using boats on lava as if it were on water, Sam gets excited about a TARDIS in the server, and Dragon slips up and reveals her secret identity!
For more Let’s Plays go to: tscn.tv/play
On this Let’s play Dragon and I take a look at anvils by setting up fall distances to see how far an anvil has to fall before it will kill an unarmored player before moving onto different armor types to see what will protect you should somone set up an anvil trap of their own. This one is in three parts and in the future we now know that we will be going to a new 30 minute format for when these experiments take this long. More info is in the intro in the first part.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
For more Let’s Plays go to: tscn.tv/play
Send any experiment ideas to samcastfeedback@gmail.com or comment bellow!