Category Archives: God Is Great

God Is Great Episode 49: Joseph Part 11

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On this episode the crew finishes Genesis chapter 49  with a few closing remarks on burying places, Jacob blessing Joesphs sons, Egyptian embalming methods, the tombs being more than just caves. They also cover chapter 50 with Joesphs brothers getting nervous before being forgiven, and Joesphs death.

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Theme song by Danny Lewis

Artwork by Kevin Draper

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God Is Great Episode 48: Joseph Part 10

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On this episode the crew covers Genesis chapter 49, Jacobs last will and testament through his blessings, Rubens major screwup, Judah’s blessing going through the bloodline all the way to Jesus, all the other blessings both good and bad, and Jacob dies.

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Theme song by Danny Lewis

Artwork by Kevin Draper

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God Is Great Episode 47: Joseph Part 9

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On this episode of GIG Genesis 47 and 48 are covered as the crew discusses the Egyptian system of being a citizen, Egyptian debt being a really bad thing, Jacobs blessing taking the pattern and continuing it, and a tiny detail of Jacob they had missed the first time around.


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Theme song by Danny Lewis

Artwork by Kevin Draper

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God Is Great Episode 46: Joseph Part 8

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On this episode of gig the crew covers chapter 46 of Genesis with the reunion of Joesph and his family, a question of why cattle herders were such second class citizens, Israels closure, and more.

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Theme song by Danny Lewis

Artwork by Kevin Draper

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God Is Great Episode 45: Joseph Part 7

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On this episode of GIG the crew realises that Genesis chapters 44 and 45 are a bit more funny than may have been planned by the author, and Danny digs up some interesting bits of context that blow the minds of the rest of the crew!


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Theme song by Danny Lewis

Artwork by Kevin Draper

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God Is Great Episode 44: Joseph Part 6

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On this episode of GIG the crew covers chapter 42 and 43 of Genesis as they talk about Joesph having a bit of fun with his brothers while he finds out what’s going on, a naming difference between chapters, Egyptians eating at a separate table ironically and more!

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Theme song by Danny Lewis

Artwork by Kevin Draper

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God Is Great Episode 43: Joseph Part 5

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On this episode of God Is Great the crew covers Genesis chapter 41 with a look at a promise finally being given after two years, a whopping great dream from Pharaoh, an observation about how down to earth this Pharaoh seems to be compared to others, and more

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Theme song by Danny Lewis

Artwork by Kevin Draper


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God Is Great Episode 42: Joseph Part 4

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On this episode of God Is Great Genesis chapter 40 continues the story of Joesph with two servant that screwed up on their job somehow, the dreams they had, how important dreams were to that culture, a reneged promise, and more.

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Theme song by Danny Lewis

Artwork by Kevin Draper

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God Is Great Episode 40: Joseph Part 2

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On this episode of GIG the crew covers Genesis chapter 39 to talk about waiting for God to provide, the trouble you can get into if you don’t wait, and a common misconception that comes from this chapter.

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Theme song by Danny Lewis

Artwork by Kevin Draper

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