Category Archives: Going Through Who

Going Through Who 5.12: The Deadly Assassin

On this episode the crew covers The Deadly Assassin with a clever way of escape, getting to know Gallefreyan culture, and old foe returns, a detective mystery begins, the matrix is shown finally, a battle ensues, and the eye of harmony shows it’s power.

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Going Through Who 5.11: The Hand of Fear

On this episode of GTW the crew covers The Hand of Fear with a unfortunate explosion, Sarah getting taken over again, Eldrad must live, something doesn’t make sense in terms of explosions, things aren’t what they seem, and we say goodbye to Sarah.

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Going Through Who 5.10: The Masque of Mandragora


On this episode the crew covers The Masque of Mandragora with a new console room, intersting beard choices, some really bad energy gaining a following, Danny weighs in with a choice of quills, The Doctor does some voice acting again, and a crack about the 20th century
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Going Through Who 5.7: The Android Invasion


On this episode of GTW we talk about The Android Invasion with a well acted twitching, Sarahs outfit, androids being obvious because of the title, the epilepsy machine, a brilliant scheme to make a fake hero, two doctors with real confusion, and Samuel has a reaction to another commanding officer.

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Going Through Who 5.6: Pyramids of Mars


On this episode of GTW the crew covers the fan favorite Pyramids of Mars with sage advice from Sue about tombs, Samuel screws up important headgear, a poor hunter is in the wrong place, Sarah shows what a badass she can be, and Samuel quotes along with the bad guy.
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Going Through Who 5.5: Planet of Evil

Planet of Evil

On this episode of GTW the crew covers Planet of Evil as they enter the Phillip Hinchcliffe era, discussion on a minimalist console, a comparison of scanners, the worst escape timing ever, an adorable tracker, the Doctor decks a guy, a dummy gets some good use,  someone gets a redemption, and one of the crew members looks oddly familar to Samuel.

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Going Through Who 5.3: Revenge of The Cybermen

Revenge Of The Cybermen

On this episode of GTW the crew looks at Revenge of The Cybermen, Samuel deals with a massive red herring,  something isn’t right on Nerva Beacon, Cybermats look a bit ugly, Harry finds gold, a few mistakes are made, and maneuvering becomes key.


Dragoncon Event:

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