Category Archives: Going Through Who

Going Through Who 5.2: Genesis of the Daleks

Genesis of the Daleks

On this episode of GTW the crew gets into the classic episode Genesis of The Daleks, the transmat takes the TARDIS crew to the wrong place for shady reasons, Harry goes into full on soldier mode again, Davros makes his first appearance, Harry reminds Sue of something from the past, and a moral choice that both Samuel and Sue have a hard time making a decision on.

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Going Through Who 5.1: The Sontaran Experiment

The Sontaran Experement

On this episode the crew covers The Sontaran Experiment with a kind of dodgy entrance, Sarahs annoying chase for her companions, Sullivans awesome coat, the ways of the Sontarans in classic who vs modern who, experiments far to gruesome to fathom, and more.

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Going Through Who 4.13: The Ark In Space

The Ark In Space

On this episode of GTW we cover The Ark In Space with Harry touching things he shouldn’t, very big bugs, the future being a bit too serious, Commander Noah has a bit of a problem, the Wirnn are a fantastic idea, Sarah Jane explains The Doctor brilliantly, and we end on a cliffhanger with a tease.

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Going Through Who 4.12: Robot


On this episode of GTW we cover Robot by saying hello to a new Doctor, how Sue feels about number four, why you never lock the Doctor, a judgement call on scientists haircuts, The Doctor tries to entertain with an old magic gag, Harry Sullivan helps the best he can, and Benton gets the promotion he finally deserves.

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Going Through Who 4.11: Planet of the Spiders

Planet of the Spiders

On this episode of GTW we say goodbye to the third Doctor with Planet of the Spiders, an example of a mentalist having actual powers, Tommy being the sweetest character ever, really creepy spiders, a car chase of epic proportions, the spider queen has her own plans, and cells get a little push for the regeneration.

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Going Through Who 4.10: The Monster of Peladon

The Monster Of Peladon

On this episode of GTW we cover The Monster of Peladon with a visit to a old planet, a theory from Sue about the TARDIS, Aggador is haunting the miners, a defense mechanism causes problems for Sarah, the lullaby still sounds familiar, The Doctor goes into defense,  and the Ice Warriors regain a reputation.

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Going Through Who 4.9: Death to the Daleks

Death To The Daleks

On this episode of GTW the crew covers Death to the Daleks with the Tardis going off course again, a problem with lighting, Sarah Jane leaves behind a lantern oddly, The Daleks have a energy problem, the math not adding up right with the number of Daleks, pity for a stunt man, a city that reminds Samuel of a point and click adventure, and more!


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Going Through Who 4.8: Invasion of the Dinosaurs

Invasion Of The Dinosaurs

On this episode of GTW we cover Invasion of the Dinosaurs with an empty London showing something is wrong, a funny T-Rex model, Benton has a filing system, a society for a new earth, Sarah has a poor choice in friends, Mike Yates breaks our heart, Benton is loyal to the end, the polarity gets reversed again, and the Doctor convinces Sarah to join.

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Going Through Who Episode 4.6: The Green Death

The Green Death

On this episode of GTW we say goodbye to Jo with The Green Death, a strange glowing disease, a bad day hunting for a crystal for The Doctor, Stewart looking like a different actor, giant bugs working better than they have in the past, fungus being made for protein, environmental thoughts not so original to modern standards, and more!

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