Category Archives: Going Through Who

Going Through Who Episode 1.9: Planet Of Giants

planet of giants

On this episode the crew covers Planet Of Giants..notice no The in the title along with the problem of doors opening on a TARDIS mid flight, giant earth worms, well made matchsticks, a cat being a viable threat, Doctor Who going environmental, Jacobs understanding of chemical equations and more!


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music by ThePantychrist

Artwork by Kevin Draper


Going Through Who Episode 1.8: The Reign Of Terror

Reign of Terror

On this episode of Going Through Who the crew talks about The Reign Of Terror by discussing greed getting the Doctor out of trouble, one guy panicking always spoiling a plan, fire being a dangerous things for timelords, Susan being scared of a rat, the first Doctors like of blunt objects,and more!

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music by ThePantychrist

Artwork by Kevin Draper


Going Through Who Episode 1.7: The Sensorites

The Sensorites


Toby Hadoke once said that when you ask someone to mention a first doctor story, they rarely mention The Sensorites. In this episode we remedy that by talking about forced paranoia, taking the TARDIS lock, a small lesson in TARDIS anatomy, sashes making a perfect disguise, politics getting in the way..again, Susan gaining a backbone, and more.

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music by ThePantychrist

Artwork by Kevin Draper


Going Through Who Episode 1.6: The Aztecs

The Aztecs


On this episode of Going Through Who the crew talks about The Aztecs, The Doctor starting to warm up a  bit, playing a bit of “real life chess” as Samuel calls it, a line being drawn in the sand about fiddling with time, the best retirement home ever, the lines being blurred between good and evil, how to pronounce Ians name, and more.

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music by ThePantychrist

Artwork by Kevin Draper


Going Through Who Episode 1.5: The Keys of Marinus



On this weeks episode of Going Through Who the crew talks about The Keys of Marinus with Sue falling in love with the model work in the episode,  each of the keys being it’s own story, not missing The Doctor, the gingerbread man falling down a shaft, a machine taking control of mindsets not exactly being the best idea, Samuel’s mystery obsession being scratched and more.

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music by ThePantychrist

Artwork by Kevin Draper


Going Through Who Episode 1.4: The Missing Episodes

going through who copy


On this episode of Going Through Who, Samuel and Jacob cover the missing episodes from the Doctor Who archive and tell you a bit about why there are some missing in the first place. They then talk about the episodes they desperately wish weren’t missing.

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music by ThePantychrist

Artwork by Kevin Draper


Going Through Who Episode 1.3: The Edge Of Destruction

Edge Of Destruction


On this weeks Going Through Who the crew talks about the story to start a tradition of the more bizarre and surreal episodes of Doctor Who by talking about the two part story The Edge of Destruction. They adjust to just having two parts, the first mention of the TARDIS being alive, the Doctor being paranoid, never giving Susan a sharp pair of scissors, Samuel’s love of TARDIS contained stories and more.

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music by ThePantychrist

Artwork by Kevin Draper

Going Through Who Episode 1.2: The Daleks

The Daleks

On this episode of Going Through Who the crew covers the first appearance of The Doctors greatest enemy, The difference between them then and now, the harshness of the first Doctor, Samuel geeks out a bit when it comes to sound design of the era, Ian in a Dalek, and much more!

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music by ThePantychrist

Artwork by Kevin Draper


Going Through Who episode 1.1: An Unearthly Child

Unearthly Child


On the season premier of Going Through Who the crew covers the story line that started it all by talking about the different feel of classic who as opposed to new who, who got to utter the phrase Doctor Who first, the cleverness of the first doctor, the mild creepiness of Ian and Barbra, and how no matter what time you are in politics always screw things up.

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music by ThePantychrist

Artwork by Kevin Draper


New Doctor Who Podcast coming November 3rd!

going through who copy


November 3rd is a date for Doctor Who fans to save as The Samcast Network finally gets a podcast for one of it’s favorite television shows! Going Through Who will cover the time and space of Doctor Who starting at the very beginning and working our way through every story, or groups of episodes that make up one storyline, starting with An Unearthly Child and onwards!

Every episode will contain trivia and other facts about the stories as well as a review from the three hosts, Samuel represents the Doctor Who encyclopedia of the network, Jacob represents the abridged version, and Sue represents those completely unfamiliar with classic Who.

The show will be released in 13 episode, one story a week, seasons with the first season premiering on November 3rd getting you ready for the 50th anniversary in the nick of time! If you want to watch the stories before hand then check out the Whoguide at to find out all the places you can legally watch the episodes and be ready for our take on them!

For more information, listen to the attached audio file on this post and we look forward to going through the time and space of Doctor Who with you as our treasured companions!