Category Archives: Podcast

God Is Great 142: Various Laws

On this episode of GIG the crew covers Deuteronomy chapter 22 with the difference between grace and mosaic law, a talk on praying along with actions, some parts of law that show love, and some parts that the uber religious use to hurt the ones that need love the most.
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God Is Great 141: Unsolved Mysteries and More

On this episode the crew covers Deuteronomy chapter 21 with rules for unsolved murders, some talk on female captives, proper inheritance rights that stop history from repeating itself, a hard way to deal with bad children, and two thoughts of hanged men that are thought of quite differently.

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Going Through Who 7.3: City of Death

On this episode the crew covers City of Death with a fungus alien, a conspiracy by Sue, the Doctor pulls a fast one, Samuel’s love of Julian Glover, witty comments from everyone, a favorite shows back up on the show, Romana makes a mistake, some art critics have words for the Tardis, and a landmark is now a fake!

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God Is Great 140: Laws Concerning Warfare

On this episode the crew covers Deuteronomy chapter 20 with Gods rules about warfare, how this sort of thing can possibly apply to us as believers in modern times, the difference between spiritual and literal, an interesting list of thing that would keep you from fighting, the true thing that the chapter covers, and more.

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Samuel’s Thoughts 77: Thoughts on Prayers

On this episode I talk about some fears I need to get over,  iOS 11 changes that I like, Rick and Morty season 3, and my thoughts about the phrase “Thoughts and Prayers” and why the backlash is understandable but frustrating to me.

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God Is Great 139: Cities of Refuge

On this episode the crew covers Deuteronomy chapter 19 with a code about refuge cities, putting the laws into modern terms of our own law, why trying to get at someone by falsely accusing them of something might not be a good idea, and perhaps why some of the old rules in this case might not be so bad for once, and a bit of a rough thing for Christians to hear.

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Going Through Who 7.2: Destiny of The Daleks

On this episode the crew covers Destiny of the Daleks with a interesting regeneration fact, Samuel makes a bold statement, detailed model work, Romana pulls a bit of heart work, Davros lives, a lock of logic is a great story point, Dalek explosions are glorious, and Davros is frozen..for now.

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God Is Great 138: Religious Guidelines

On this episode the crew covers Deuteronomy chapters 17 and 18 with guidelines on how not to sacrifice, an interesting thought about oxen, worship of stars and planets, the supreme court of Judaism, how much the American justice system was based on Mosaic law, priest provisions, and more.

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God Is Great 137: The Feasts Revisited

On this episode the crew covers Deuteronomy 16 as we have a refresher in the feasts, a connection between the three feasts, the time Abib occurred, a history lesson in the King James Bible, the bread of affliction, how the Feast of Weeks worked, how the Feast of Booths worked, the justice system, and a few ways not to worship.

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