Category Archives: Podcast

Going Through Who 7.1: The Armageddon Factor

On this episode it’s time for the Key to Time to wrap up with a look at The Armageddon Factor, a new Tardis term is learned, questions on a maneuver, K-9 has a sad moment, Sue has a misconception about the timelords timeline which is made up for by the fact she was right all along about something else, and more!

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God Is Great 136: The Seventh Year

On this episode the crew covers Deuteronomy chapter 15 as we look at the seventh year tradition, a lesson in economics, the difference between a temptation and a test, why struggles exist in the first place, helping out the poor, and firstborn herd rules.

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God Is Great 135: No Other Gods

On this episode the crew covers Deuteronomy chapter 13 and 14 with a warning about prophets, why they do the podcast in the first place, the importance of study but not thinking your the ultimate expert, what happens when family turned away, rules about cities turn away, a talk on clean and unclean foods, and a little interesting bit in tithing. Continue reading God Is Great 135: No Other Gods

Going Through Who 6.13: The Power of Kroll

On this episode the crew covers The Power of Kroll with an interesting landing space, a loss of important technology, an uncomfortable name, Kroll being a good effect, a laugh about the set design, an obvious key to time segment, a tense moment with a tentacle, and bad directions.

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God Is Great 134: This Time We Promise

On this episode the crew covers Deuteronomy chapter 12 for real this time with warnings about idols, common things in mankind, God providing a place, the spiritual place in us, one rule about meat eating that has a deeper meaning, and some talk on prosperity.

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God Is Great 133: The Lords Chosen Place of Worship

On this episode the crew covers Deuteronomy chapters 11 and 12 with a few things that we need to remember, God providing in farming situations, where faith in God vs faith in your own ability comes in, the gap between blessing and curse, and more.
Continue reading God Is Great 133: The Lords Chosen Place of Worship