Category Archives: Podcast

Going Through Who 6.12: The Androids of Tara

On this episode the crew covers The Androids of Tara with a chess match, the Doctor acting a jerk, an overzealous swordsman, a gap in logic with the classes, Romana having a twin, The Key To Time shows how durable it is, a horse is amazing, convincing split screen effects, and Samuel thinks of a dark ending. Continue reading Going Through Who 6.12: The Androids of Tara

God Is Great 130: A Chosen People

On this episode of gig the crew covers Deuteronomy chapter 7 with a plan of the destruction of the ites, some rules on marriage, gender differences, a self serving mentality, illness being caused by a specific problem that might not be what you think, what sin really means, and how God deals with your enemies.

Continue reading God Is Great 130: A Chosen People

The Monthly Music Mixup: July 2017

On this episode we are undiscovered until we discover what she wants. It happens to be in shallow water that is gentle on my mind outside of a crazy house. We then find music in our soul to wrap it up….these descriptions are getting nuttier aren’t they?


Undiscovered- Jeffery

All She Wants- Liquid Lunch

Shallow Water- Papa Satch

Gentle on My Mind- Katie Belle

Crazy House- Miles Recommends

Music in Your Soul- Brenda Veila
Continue reading The Monthly Music Mixup: July 2017