Category Archives: Podcast

What’s Your Passion 15: Chris Strub

On this episode of WYP I talk to Chris Strub, author of the new book 50 States, 100 Days, The Book, about his trip across all fifty states in 100 days in order to volunteer and highlight a different youth organization in each destination. I talk to him about the bumpy start, the realistic ending, and everything in between, and talk about why social media brings us together more than some realize.

Nominated Charity: Big Brothers Big Sisters of America 

The Book:

His Website:

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Going Through Who 6.8: The Invasion of Time

On this episode the crew covers The Invasion of Time with a crazy Doctor, an emotional K-9, an angry Lela, a discussion on some changed timelords, Samuel’s favorite timelord returns, an awesome password, two stories in one, a magic trick with doors, and an emotional ending with a fatal flaw.
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The Monthly Music Mixup: June 2017

On this episode we find northern lights at the river, sing in the rain then get the blues, and figure out what we are going to do about our chains of silence.


Northern Light- Cornerstone

The River- Mike Thompson

Singing In The Rain- Eldie Anthony

Douchebag Blues- Manhattan Rob Walsh

Chains of Silence- Stephanie Braganza

What Are You Gonna Do- Mystic Posse

Continue reading The Monthly Music Mixup: June 2017