Category Archives: Podcast

God Is Great 123: Finishing Numbers

On this episode it’s time to finish off Numbers with the last five chapters with a settling of some of the children of Israel, skipping a recap, some history thoughts, the difference between tolerance and being nice, some law about murder, and some final inheritance questions.

Continue reading God Is Great 123: Finishing Numbers

The Monthly Music Mixup: May 2017

On this episode we fall in love with a band name, drift apart in a relationship, dream about a day, make sticks and stones funky, get a different perspective into the future, and Jonathan Coulton is back!


Ramona- Dick Tater and the Tots

Drift Apart- Jordan Sleed

One Fine Day- Disconnected Genius

Sticks & Stones- Dexter Wise

Future- Jerry Jean

All This Time- Jonathan Coulton

Continue reading The Monthly Music Mixup: May 2017

God Is Great 122: Vengence on Midian

On this episode the crew covers chapters 30 and 31 of Numbers with vows of different genders, vengeance catches up with Midian, five kings being in charge, a mistake made by the warriors, a interesting purification, kingdom blockers, and a make good for the mistakes.

Continue reading God Is Great 122: Vengence on Midian

God Is Great 121: Offerings to the Lord

On this episode of GIG the crew covers Numbers chapters 28 and 29 with the daily offering, a bit of an organizational nightmare, Sabbath offerings, monthly offerings, Passover offerings, offerings for the feast of weeks, offerings for the feast of trumpets, offerings for the day of atonement, and offerings for the feast of booths.

Continue reading God Is Great 121: Offerings to the Lord

God Is Great 120: Worship of Bahl

On this episode the crew covers chapters 25, 26, 27 of Numbers with the children starting to pick up some habits of other cultures, hanging showing up out of nowhere, a spear stopping something  really bad from happening, a covenant is formed, the generation wipe out shows itself, inheritance laws are made, and Joshua gets a new position.

Continue reading God Is Great 120: Worship of Bahl

Samuel’s Thoughts 71: Pre Season 10 of Doctor Who

On this episode I talk about several of the Doctor Who announcements that have been mentioned including Bill being openly gay, The original cybermen coming back, and a multi-Master story! This one is one part sheer fanning out and one part thinking deep about a show I love.

Continue reading Samuel’s Thoughts 71: Pre Season 10 of Doctor Who