Category Archives: Podcast

Going Through Who 6.2: The Talons of Weng-Chiang

On this episode of GTW the crew covers The Talons of Weng-Chiang by covering a really racist moment, the premier of a beloved duo, giant rats, a bunch of fears being covered, and a totally unpaid plug for Big Finish.

The Mahogany Murderers: 

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God Is Great 116: The Staff of Aaron

On this episode the crew covers chapters 17 and 18 of Numbers with a clarification between rods and staffs, a look into almond wood, Aaron is backed up by God, the people get worried, an actual definition of sin, and a metaphor that gets to the root of problems.

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A Series of Unfortunate Podcasts 4: The Miserable Mill

On this episode we cover The Miserable Mill with a bunch of shock, a clearing up of something, a very interesting suggestion, a discussion of swordcanes, finding out what was different from the book, and Sunny walking.

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A Series of Unfortunate Podcasts 3: The Wide Window

On this episode of ASOUP we cover The Wide Window, an annoyance of Poe, a little talk on why we watched the show, a look at the Counts outfit, more Snicket talk, Aunt Josephine does a good job, and Kevin imagines the leeches having a poof.

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