Category Archives: Podcast

The Monthly Music Mixup: February 2017

On this episode we feel fun, ask for a second chance, get a bit steamy, take the mood down to a calm before asking a question of philosophy.


Feel The Fun- Ty Waters

Second Chances- Kenny Rials

Let Me Control- Nu-Man

Mood Indigo- Elaine A. Small

What Came First- Professor Pump-Un-Shlump

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What’s Your Passion 10: Ty Waters

On this episode of WYP I talk with 11 year old musical extraordinaire Ty Waters to talk with him as he just starts his journey into music, how he started by jazzing up some things from his mother, I talk to his mother about her feelings on the journey and talk to his producer and songwriter about finding Ty and joining him for the ride!

Nominated Charity:

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Going Through Who 5.12: The Deadly Assassin

On this episode the crew covers The Deadly Assassin with a clever way of escape, getting to know Gallefreyan culture, and old foe returns, a detective mystery begins, the matrix is shown finally, a battle ensues, and the eye of harmony shows it’s power.

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A Series of Unfortunate Podcasts 1: A Bad Beginning

On this premier episode of ASOUP we talk about the first story A Bad Beginning with thoughts before the show,  Thoughts on all of the actors, hatred of a newspaper, and a urge not to spoil what’s really going on.
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Going Through Who 5.11: The Hand of Fear

On this episode of GTW the crew covers The Hand of Fear with a unfortunate explosion, Sarah getting taken over again, Eldrad must live, something doesn’t make sense in terms of explosions, things aren’t what they seem, and we say goodbye to Sarah.

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