Category Archives: Podcast

The Monthly Music Mixup: January 2017

On the first MMM of a new year we look back on the year in pop music, thank someone of a life saver, give an order to the dance floor, remember how cold last month was, be there for others, and talk about love.


United State of Pop 2016- DJ Earworm

You Saved My Life- John Michael Hersey

Dance or Get Off The Floor- JAD

Cold December- Adam’s Attic

Be There- Helen Perris

This Love- Joseph Cannavo

Continue reading The Monthly Music Mixup: January 2017

God Is Great 109: Consecration Offerings

On this episode the crew comes back from Christmas break to cover Numbers 7, 8,9  with a little reminder of a different 12 days, a little lesson in shekels, an interesting thing stands out in the Levites purification process, a priesthood with a retirement plan, and the directions given by the cloud.

Continue reading God Is Great 109: Consecration Offerings

TSCN Specials: Review of Doctor Who: The Return of Doctor Mysterio

On this special Donovan is finally back with us to talk about another thing that is back with us..Doctor Who! Samuel gets a slight disappointment when a creature doesn’t come back, The cheese factor is turned way up but for a good reason, and a bow is placed on a storyline from the last episode.

Continue reading TSCN Specials: Review of Doctor Who: The Return of Doctor Mysterio

Going Through Who 5.10: The Masque of Mandragora


On this episode the crew covers The Masque of Mandragora with a new console room, intersting beard choices, some really bad energy gaining a following, Danny weighs in with a choice of quills, The Doctor does some voice acting again, and a crack about the 20th century
Continue reading Going Through Who 5.10: The Masque of Mandragora

God Is Great 107: Well That’s Harsh…

GIG Logo resized

On this episode we cover chapters 4 and 5 of Numbers with the roadies of the temple, things that could be looked upon or not and why, who is in charge of setting things up and putting things down, what a camp is, restitution practices, and a rule that seems very very harsh.

Continue reading God Is Great 107: Well That’s Harsh…