Category Archives: Podcast

God Is Great 101: More Blasphemy and an Eye For an Eye

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On this episode of GIG we carry on the chapter 24 road by revealing Sues cliffhanger from last week that not even she expects, how words do matter in regards to intentions, a kinda sick metaphor about germs, eye for an eye makes it’s appearance, and a death with a mystery.

Continue reading God Is Great 101: More Blasphemy and an Eye For an Eye

Going Through Who 5.7: The Android Invasion


On this episode of GTW we talk about The Android Invasion with a well acted twitching, Sarahs outfit, androids being obvious because of the title, the epilepsy machine, a brilliant scheme to make a fake hero, two doctors with real confusion, and Samuel has a reaction to another commanding officer.

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The Monthly Music Mixup: October 2016

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On this episode the playlist takes the love theme that it does from time to time as we talk about nearness, seeing someone soon, being human, partake in a new digital practice, and find out sometimes love comes with a risk.


The Nearness of You- Willard Mckiver and the Martin Eagle Trio

I’ll Be Seeing You- Elaine A. Small

Being Human- Andrew V. John

Netflicks & Chill- 3Dimensional

Danger In Loving You- Halie Loren

Continue reading The Monthly Music Mixup: October 2016

Samuel’s Thoughts 61: Foggy But Back!

Samuel's Thoughts

On this episode I explain why an episode of the show is coming out on the first week instead of it’s normal time, talk about my medical journey for the past two weeks, and talk about how to deal with all the stuff the world throws at you.
Continue reading Samuel’s Thoughts 61: Foggy But Back!

Going Through Who 5.6: Pyramids of Mars


On this episode of GTW the crew covers the fan favorite Pyramids of Mars with sage advice from Sue about tombs, Samuel screws up important headgear, a poor hunter is in the wrong place, Sarah shows what a badass she can be, and Samuel quotes along with the bad guy.
Continue reading Going Through Who 5.6: Pyramids of Mars