Category Archives: Podcast

What’s Your Passion 9: Justin Robert Young


On this episode of WYP I come to you direct from Dragoncon 2016 with an interview with podcaster, game creator, and comedy buff Justin Robert Young to talk about what goes into creating a political card game and a bit about comedy itself.

Nominated Charity: Charity Water Continue reading What’s Your Passion 9: Justin Robert Young

God Is Great 98: Feasts of the Lord Part 3

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On this episode the crew continues with the study on the feasts with the Feast of Weeks , Sue makes a new dance, a possible Pentecost connection, The Feast of Trumpets, a confusion about instruments, The Day of Atonement, the day cycles of Jewish culture at the time, The Feast of Booths, and the difference between the world and the earth.

Continue reading God Is Great 98: Feasts of the Lord Part 3

Going Through Who 5.5: Planet of Evil

Planet of Evil

On this episode of GTW the crew covers Planet of Evil as they enter the Phillip Hinchcliffe era, discussion on a minimalist console, a comparison of scanners, the worst escape timing ever, an adorable tracker, the Doctor decks a guy, a dummy gets some good use,  someone gets a redemption, and one of the crew members looks oddly familar to Samuel.

Continue reading Going Through Who 5.5: Planet of Evil

The Monthly Music Mixup: September 2016

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On this MMM we get a heavy Phill Collins vibe, prosecute some charges, realize we can’t leave, change our mind and say we are done, and then once we get home we listen to the sounds around us.


Cant’t Put My Finger On It- Breakfast Club

Criminal- Jerad Finck

I Can’t Leave- Benny Turner

I’m Done- Macy Medford

The Sounds Around The House- Craig Brenan Septet
Continue reading The Monthly Music Mixup: September 2016

God Is Great 97: Feasts of the Lord Part 2

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On this episode of GIG we continue to talk about the feasts starting with The Passover and how important it was to Jewish culture, the fall of the temple having a huge impact on the practice,  a mini lesson in sentence structure,  one of our favorite shows gets a shoutout again, Samuel does an unintentional pun, The feast of unleavened bread,  The Feast of The First Fruits, and more.

Continue reading God Is Great 97: Feasts of the Lord Part 2

What’s Your Passion 8: Luke Potter


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On this episode of WYP I talk to independent musician and friend of the network Luke Potter about one moment in a car that started his goal of being a song writer, his influences, and a chat about just doing something instead of being afraid.

Nominated Charity: Cancer Research
Continue reading What’s Your Passion 8: Luke Potter

God Is Great 96: Feasts of the Lord Part 1

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On this episode of GiG the crew sweeps around a bit to cover Leviticus 20  through 23 by skimming through a few things that were covered in other chapters and then we cover the feasts of the lord with The Sabbath and some context from Sue about it, talk about what the kingdom truly is, and a few little teachings that need some clarification.

Continue reading God Is Great 96: Feasts of the Lord Part 1

God Is Great 95: The Shalls and Shall Nots

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On this episode of GIG the crew covers Leviticus chapter 19 with a list of things that the crew decides to call the shalls and shall nots, a lot of them having to do with the ten commandments, the one phrase that God seemed to really want them to know, one word that caught Samuel’s eye, and a few favorites picked out from the rules.

Continue reading God Is Great 95: The Shalls and Shall Nots

Samuel’s Thoughts 59: Pink in the Face

Samuel's Thoughts

On this episode I cover  my time at a color walk and my personal goal involved in it, review my new Karma card to tell you if it’s any good or not, talk a bit about Pokemon Go from my casual perspective, and announce a Dragoncon event with limited space!


Dragoncon event search:

Snaps from the color walk:

Karma card:

Continue reading Samuel’s Thoughts 59: Pink in the Face