Category Archives: Podcast

God Is Great 94: Unlawful Sexual Relations

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On this episode the crew covers Leviticus 18 where Samuel and Sue get a bit uncomfortable, Danny takes the reigns by talking a bit about argument about scripture, rules vs principles of the kingdom, uncovering nakedness, how to stand for principles without being a jerk, intent and your heart being far more important than a specific act, and more.

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Going Through Who 5.3: Revenge of The Cybermen

Revenge Of The Cybermen

On this episode of GTW the crew looks at Revenge of The Cybermen, Samuel deals with a massive red herring,  something isn’t right on Nerva Beacon, Cybermats look a bit ugly, Harry finds gold, a few mistakes are made, and maneuvering becomes key.


Dragoncon Event:

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The Monthly Music Mixup: August 2016

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On this MMM we look at life as expected to be lived,  pay tribute to an instrument, prove an old adage, look to the past and then to the future, and refuse to let life get us down.


All The Same- Luke Potter

Mrs. Piano- Kenny Sway

Where There’s Smoke There’s Fire- Natalie Estes

Too Late Tomorrow- Papa Satch

Don’t Let This Life Get You Down- Gabe Oliver


Dragoncon event:

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God Is Great 93: The Place of Sacrifice

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On this episode of GiG the crew covers Leviticus 17 by clarifying what a bloodguilt was and how it would start, how things we do are connected to others, Sue gets to take a rare opportunity, figure out what the heck a goat demon was, the symbolism of blood as a whole, and more.

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Going Through Who 5.2: Genesis of the Daleks

Genesis of the Daleks

On this episode of GTW the crew gets into the classic episode Genesis of The Daleks, the transmat takes the TARDIS crew to the wrong place for shady reasons, Harry goes into full on soldier mode again, Davros makes his first appearance, Harry reminds Sue of something from the past, and a moral choice that both Samuel and Sue have a hard time making a decision on.

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God Is Great 92: The Day of Atonement

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On this episode of GIG the crew skips ahead to Leviticus chapter 16 after dealing with some repetition in chapters 14 and 15, rules for cleansing houses,  a very embarrassing scenario is thought up,  some talk on angry goats, A Sabbath that didn’t fall on a Sunday, and more.

Continue reading God Is Great 92: The Day of Atonement

The Monthly Music Mixup: July 2016

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On this MMM we mash summer up,get in a cool mood, need the code,blame someone for something, have a head trip, and find out some good news.


Summermash ’16- DJ Earworm

Cool Mood- Fred Scott Trio

The Code- Girls Bite Dogs

All Because of U- Stuart Hollinger

Head Trip- Uberphonics

Good News- Taylor James

Continue reading The Monthly Music Mixup: July 2016

Going Through Who 5.1: The Sontaran Experiment

The Sontaran Experement

On this episode the crew covers The Sontaran Experiment with a kind of dodgy entrance, Sarahs annoying chase for her companions, Sullivans awesome coat, the ways of the Sontarans in classic who vs modern who, experiments far to gruesome to fathom, and more.

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