Category Archives: Podcast

Going Through Who 4.11: Planet of the Spiders

Planet of the Spiders

On this episode of GTW we say goodbye to the third Doctor with Planet of the Spiders, an example of a mentalist having actual powers, Tommy being the sweetest character ever, really creepy spiders, a car chase of epic proportions, the spider queen has her own plans, and cells get a little push for the regeneration.

Continue reading Going Through Who 4.11: Planet of the Spiders

Samuel’s Thoughts 56: Political Blunder

Samuel's Thoughts

On this episode of Samuel’s Thoughts I talk about finally facing my fears by opening up a Patreon for the website, talk about how my health is going, pull apart a political ad that really has no idea what it’s doing, and give an update on the job search.
Continue reading Samuel’s Thoughts 56: Political Blunder

God Is Great 85: Laws for Sin Offerings

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On this episode the crew covers Leviticus chapters 4 and 5 with the rules of the sin offerings, holding others on a pedestal, the dangers that come with that, what perfection in the bible actually translates to, and the different levels that someone had to give depending on who they were,.

Continue reading God Is Great 85: Laws for Sin Offerings

Going Through Who 4.10: The Monster of Peladon

The Monster Of Peladon

On this episode of GTW we cover The Monster of Peladon with a visit to a old planet, a theory from Sue about the TARDIS, Aggador is haunting the miners, a defense mechanism causes problems for Sarah, the lullaby still sounds familiar, The Doctor goes into defense,  and the Ice Warriors regain a reputation.

Continue reading Going Through Who 4.10: The Monster of Peladon

The Monthly Music Mixup: May 2016

MMM copy

On this MMM we visit the cantina, get support in a storm, feel alive, feel the tin roof blues, have a typical southern meal, and visit a dream maker.


Cantina Band- The Andrew Allen Trio

Storms- Luke Potter

Alive- Rhealine

Tin Roof Blues- Ted Borodofsky and Southern Jazz

Grits and Collard Greens- Greg Finch

The Dream Maker- Creative Rage Music

Continue reading The Monthly Music Mixup: May 2016

God Is Great 84: Grain and Peace Offerings

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On this episode we cover chapters 2 and 3 of Leviticus to cover the grain offerings in regards to their laws, why a type of grain quality was important to the process, how flour was made in that time period, the importance of oils in the day, pan fried offereings, and more.

Plug: The Story Of God

Continue reading God Is Great 84: Grain and Peace Offerings

Going Through Who 4.9: Death to the Daleks

Death To The Daleks

On this episode of GTW the crew covers Death to the Daleks with the Tardis going off course again, a problem with lighting, Sarah Jane leaves behind a lantern oddly, The Daleks have a energy problem, the math not adding up right with the number of Daleks, pity for a stunt man, a city that reminds Samuel of a point and click adventure, and more!


Continue reading Going Through Who 4.9: Death to the Daleks

Samuel’s Thoughts 55: A Friendly Question

Samuel's Thoughts

On this episode of Samuel’s Thoughts I record a makeup episode where the other version of  55 had a glitch in it. I talk about the unemployment situation and how it very well may not last for much longer, and I respond my first listener question asking about my thoughts on having a friend of the opposite sex while in a relationship! Continue reading Samuel’s Thoughts 55: A Friendly Question