Category Archives: Podcast

Going Through Who 4.8: Invasion of the Dinosaurs

Invasion Of The Dinosaurs

On this episode of GTW we cover Invasion of the Dinosaurs with an empty London showing something is wrong, a funny T-Rex model, Benton has a filing system, a society for a new earth, Sarah has a poor choice in friends, Mike Yates breaks our heart, Benton is loyal to the end, the polarity gets reversed again, and the Doctor convinces Sarah to join.

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God Is Great 83: Laws for Burnt Offerings

GIG Logo resized

On this episode the crew begins Leviticus with a start of the rules of different types of offerings, a metaphor on shadows that involves Jesus, the idea of the law in regards to a long term plan, how the offerings symbolized Jesus, and becoming the person your meant to be and how that doesn’t mean becoming a mindless drone.

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The Monthly Music Mixup: April 2016

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On this MMM even though it is the April Fools weekend in no way will there be any gag at all in this episode..yea..that’s it..just some things bad for you, a wish to be that guy, missing someone, everyone has some skill somewhere, dust, and something you don’t want to look away to miss.


Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk- Nataly Dawn

I Want To Be That Guy- Dan Beck

I Miss Her- Oneikon

Born To Ball- Nu Man

Dust- The Scheme

Don’t Look Away- Radio Miaso

Continue reading The Monthly Music Mixup: April 2016

God Is Great 82: The Building of The Tabernacle

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On this episode of GiG the crew takes care of the rest of Exodus from chapter 35 onwards with an odd lesson on cows, a covering of the rules of the Sabbath, how to figure out literal scripture from symbolic scripture, and God settling inside of all of us.

Continue reading God Is Great 82: The Building of The Tabernacle

God Is Great 81: The Covenant Renewed

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On this episode the crew finishes chapter 34 of Exodus with a renewal of the covenant made between God and the Israelites, staying away from your weaknesses rather than feeling better than anyone else, how the relationship with God works, and Moses new shiny complexion.

Continue reading God Is Great 81: The Covenant Renewed

Samuel’s Thoughts 54: The Single Push

Samuel's Thoughts

On this episode of Samuel’s Thoughts I talk about the weather going up along with my mood about it, a doctor nightmare senario, and I talk about the one thing that couples do to their single friends that they might want to knock off doing.

Continue reading Samuel’s Thoughts 54: The Single Push

God Is Great 80: The New Tablets

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On this episode of GIG we cover chapter 34 of Exodus with talk of Moses holding a very interesting record, a very unmentioned holy relic, the stone material the tablets might have been on, Moses always standing his ground, how bad habits go through generations, and a biblical parenting lesson.


Dr. Caroline Leaf

Continue reading God Is Great 80: The New Tablets

Going Through Who Episode 4.6: The Green Death

The Green Death

On this episode of GTW we say goodbye to Jo with The Green Death, a strange glowing disease, a bad day hunting for a crystal for The Doctor, Stewart looking like a different actor, giant bugs working better than they have in the past, fungus being made for protein, environmental thoughts not so original to modern standards, and more!

Continue reading Going Through Who Episode 4.6: The Green Death

The Monthly Music Mixup: March 2016

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On this episode we concentrate on you, forge an unbreakable relationship, remix a song, imagine a better life, admit to flaws as a guy, and say hello to blue.


I Concentrate On You- Kris Russell

Unbreakable- Adero Neely

Move Like Jagger- Roderick Jayne

Making Believe- Dare To Be Dreamers

I’m A Man- Andrew Morstein

Hey Blue- Et Tu Bruce  Continue reading The Monthly Music Mixup: March 2016