Category Archives: Podcast

Samuel’s Thoughts episode 52: The Year Of Freeeeedom!

Samuel's Thoughts

On this episode of Samuel’s Thoughts Kevin joins me for a talk about the previous year, plans for the following year, and a moment before the recording where I did a really really stupid thing… Continue reading Samuel’s Thoughts episode 52: The Year Of Freeeeedom!

Going Through Who Episode 4.3: Carnival Of Monsters


On this episode the crew covers Carnival of Monsters with odd looking packages, a conversation with some chickens, a very odd device responsible for it all, giant worms, interesting circuits, why Doctor Who creatures are frightening, Samuel thinking that Vorg is a practicer of a lost art, and more!

Continue reading Going Through Who Episode 4.3: Carnival Of Monsters

God Is Great Episode 73: The Priests Garmets

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On this episode of GIG the crew covers chapter 28 of Exodus with, the spirit of skills, stewardship, a discussion on skills, Aarons consecration, a hidden judgement mechanism, quality control in sacrifice, the robes bells, and the turban.

Continue reading God Is Great Episode 73: The Priests Garmets

The Monthly Music Mixup: January 2016

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It’s a brand new year for a brand new Monthly Music Mixup that asks if we should stay, draws the borderline, turns things inside out, deals with a pain killer, watches time, and continues the tradition of the United State of Pop.


Should I Stay- Luke Potter

Borderline- Heather Scarlett Rose

Inside Out- Leon Ayers Jr.

Pain Killer- Shift

Time Watching- Danny Mecanovic

United State of Pop 2015 (50 Shades of Pop)- DJ Earworm  Continue reading The Monthly Music Mixup: January 2016

God Is Great Episode 72: More Tabernacle

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On this episode of GIG the crew covers chapter 27 of Exodus with Samuel being a bit tired of instructions, Acacia trees being a tree you have probably seen before, why Bronze was used in the instructions, how the olive oil was extracted at the time, why perfection isn’t that bad as long as you do it right, and more.

Continue reading God Is Great Episode 72: More Tabernacle

Going Through Who Episode 4.2: The Three Doctors

The Three DoctorsOn this episode the crew reaches a landmark event as they cover The Three Doctors with the disappearance of a game warden, a hungry creature from a machine, Jelly monsters, Benton and The Brig see the inside of the TARDIS, The Timelords call in the other Doctors for help making Sue very happy to see her Doctor again and more!

Continue reading Going Through Who Episode 4.2: The Three Doctors