Category Archives: Podcast

The Monthly Music Mixup: December 2015

MMM copy

On this MMM we gaze at a Dakota Moon, put on our headphones and hoodies, explain the difference between old and history, get down to a jam, walk away, and continue the December tradition of the show to wish you my own merry Christmas.


Dakota Moon- Jonah Knight

Headphones & Hoodies- Adam Aldama

You See Old and I See History- WB and The Geezers

The Jam- Eugene Williams

Walking Away- Jeffery

My Own Merry Christmas- Geoff Smith  Continue reading The Monthly Music Mixup: December 2015

What’s Your Passion Episode 7: Levent


Levent at Canoe Restaurant Photographed by Parish Kohanim
Levent at Canoe Restaurant Photographed by Parish Kohanim

On this episode of WYP I talk over Skype to comedy magician and vaudiville historian Levent about how he got started in magic, what career path he thought he would be on before it, his time on Penn & Tellers Fool Us, what a historian actually is, and more.

Nominated Charity: Your Local Animal Shelter

Levents website:


Continue reading What’s Your Passion Episode 7: Levent

What’s Your Passion Episode 6: Ray Magic Adams

Ray Adams

On this episode of What’s Your Passion I am back at the Unconventional Convention to interview my good friend Ray Magic Adams about variety performing, an experience that almost made him give up the business, how he has developed his style as a performer, and some advice for others trying to do the same.

Nominated Charity:

Rays Website:

Continue reading What’s Your Passion Episode 6: Ray Magic Adams

Going Through Who Episode 4.1: The Time Monster

The Time Monster

On this episode of GTW the crew covers The Time Monster with the Doctor having a dream, a powerful crystal, The Brig feeling naked, another explanation for Atlantis, Bessie gets another upgrade, a life lesson, Benton actually being naked, and more!

Continue reading Going Through Who Episode 4.1: The Time Monster

The Monthly Music Mixup: November 2015

MMM copy

Better late than never it’s time for the MMM with a perfect night, a question of love, being happy with what you have, finding someone, getting down, and the end of a nightmare for many.


Perfect Night- Barbara Kiss

Do You Love Me (Yet)- Luke Potter

Good Enough for Me- The Como Brothers Band

Love Someone- FL Jones

Make You Move- Jon Mullane

The Finale- NateWantsToBattle  Continue reading The Monthly Music Mixup: November 2015