Category Archives: Podcast

Samuel’s Thoughts episode 45: Porch Sitin’

Samuel's Thoughts

On this episode I sit on the porch and randomly vent my mind this time about the vacation I had, the things I did on said vacation, why I like porches, and top it all off with a simple wish that certain things would just stop being talked about!

Continue reading Samuel’s Thoughts episode 45: Porch Sitin’

God Is Great Episode 58: Moses Part 8

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On this episode of GIG the show has a new weekly schedule as we cover Exodus chapter 10 and 11 at the complete surprise of Samuel as more hearts are hardened, others are begging, God puts on a show, the difference in free will and what was being done to Pharaoh, a final warning to the Egyptians that makes Moses more like Heston and less like short.

Continue reading God Is Great Episode 58: Moses Part 8

The Monthly Music Mixup: July 2015

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On this MMM I talk about a local indie band that was in town the whole time, hear the beating of your heart, make the feeling go into your veins, the show is too far gone, and scheduling gets insane!


Mine- All Star Losers

Beating Of Your Heart- The Silent War

Beneath Our Veins- Dan Snyder

Too Far Gone- Charlie Whitten

Montevideo- Blisses B  Continue reading The Monthly Music Mixup: July 2015

What’s Your Passion Episode 5: Matthew and Elizabeth Christopher



On this episode of WYP I interview Matthew and Elizabeth Christopher of Christopher Chiropractic about a interest in a career that brought them together as a couple, the very different origins that got them individually into the career path, the real passion behind what they do, and what it’s like starting your own business in the medical field.

Nominated Charity: Beat The Heat for Tri-County Cancer Coalition


Christopher Chiropractics blog:

Continue reading What’s Your Passion Episode 5: Matthew and Elizabeth Christopher

Going Through Who Episode 3.4: Inferno


On this episode of GTW the crew covers Inferno with the idiocy of Stalhman, The Doctor dealing with a parallel universe for the first time, the acting prowess of the whole crew as evil version, horrible green goo, a fear of heights, and more!

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music by ThePantychrist

Artwork by Kevin Draper

Samuel’s Thoughts episode 44: MOBA Love

Samuel's Thoughts


On this episode of Samuel’s Thoughts I am in town for an interview and figured it was the perfect time to catch you up on what I have been doing health wise with a community I am going to join as well as telling you about my new gaming love that has hit me recently, and a unexpected crossover moment with What’s Your Passion?

Continue reading Samuel’s Thoughts episode 44: MOBA Love

What’s Your Passion Episode 4: Jeremiah Massengale

Jeremiah Massengale Picture


On this episode of WYP I talk with Jeremiah Massengale about his start in one field before the world of media caught his attention in a way that he has never looked back since as well as his recent high points and a large moment of doubt in the past.

Nominated Charity: 

Continue reading What’s Your Passion Episode 4: Jeremiah Massengale