Category Archives: Podcast

God Is Great Episode 46: Joseph Part 8

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On this episode of gig the crew covers chapter 46 of Genesis with the reunion of Joesph and his family, a question of why cattle herders were such second class citizens, Israels closure, and more.

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Theme song by Danny Lewis

Artwork by Kevin Draper

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Going Through Who Episode 2.8: The Moonbase


On this episode of Going Through Who the crew discusses The Moonbase with a brand new era and a brand new Doctor, silly spacesuits, say hello to Jamie, The Doctors degree, dangerous sugar, saying goodbye to Ben and Polly, and more.

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music by ThePantychrist

Artwork by Kevin Draper


TSCN Specials: Let’s Play Changes

TSCN Specials

On this TSCN Special, Samuel, Jacob, and Rebecca sit down to discuss the new addition of Rebecca and Jerelle to the network, when they will start showing up, Jerelles long distance situation, and a variety of ratholes that had nothing to do with what they want to announce!

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Artwork by Kevin Draper

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Going Through Who Episode 2.7: The Tenth Planet

The Tenth Planet


On this episode of Going Through Who the crew covers The Tenth Planet, Jacobs feeling on Ben and Polly as well as all the first Doctor companions as a whole, General John Wayne, The first appearance of the cybermen, badly drawn diagrams, Ben being clever, and saying goodbye to the first doctor.

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music by ThePantychrist

Artwork by Kevin Draper


Samuel’s Thoughts episode 38: Difficult Challenge Ahead

Samuel's Thoughts


On this episode of Samuel’s Thoughts I give a health update on last months seizure, a milestone in my workout, the great time I had at The Unconventional Convention, new needed faces on the network, the network model in podcasting starting to seem old, and a challenge that I set myself that you are more than welcome to join me in!
Continue reading Samuel’s Thoughts episode 38: Difficult Challenge Ahead

Going Through Who Episode 2.6: The War Machines

The War Machines

On this episode of Going Though Who the crew is absent one member but that doesn’t stop them from talking about The War Machines, how the episode felt a bit different, computers in the sixties, Samuel’s annoyance with WOTAN calling The Doctor something different, the truth of hypnosis, WOTAN being big on branding, saying goodbye to Dodo in an odd way. and meeting two new companions.

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music by ThePantychrist

Artwork by Kevin Draper


The Monthly Music Mixup: December 2014

MMM copy

On this MMM Samuel has a cold but still deals with cads, kaleidoscopes, those that leave in regular intervals, beautiful eyes, a salute to cubical workers, a fascinating English tradition, and he wishes you his own merry Christmas.


Your A Cad- Professor Shyguy (feat Molly Lewis)

Kaleidoscope- Shockbox

Every Six Minutes Or So- Eddy Delbridge

Haunted By Your Eyes- Ghost Children of Calico

I Love My Job- Steve Goodie

Soul Cake- Allison Crowe

My Own Merry Christmas- Geoff Smith

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Artwork by Kevin Draper


Going Through Who Episode 2.5: TheGunfighters

The Gunfighters

On this episode of Going Through Who the crew takes a look at the controversial story The Gunfighters as they talk about major historical errors, the annoyance level of the Ballad of the last chance saloon to different members of the crew, a bad choice in dentists, Steven’s musical performance, and more.


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music by ThePantychrist

Artwork by Kevin Draper


God Is Great Episode 45: Joseph Part 7

GIG Logo resized


On this episode of GIG the crew realises that Genesis chapters 44 and 45 are a bit more funny than may have been planned by the author, and Danny digs up some interesting bits of context that blow the minds of the rest of the crew!


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Theme song by Danny Lewis

Artwork by Kevin Draper

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God Is Great Episode 44: Joseph Part 6

GIG Logo resized


On this episode of GIG the crew covers chapter 42 and 43 of Genesis as they talk about Joesph having a bit of fun with his brothers while he finds out what’s going on, a naming difference between chapters, Egyptians eating at a separate table ironically and more!

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Theme song by Danny Lewis

Artwork by Kevin Draper

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