Category Archives: Podcast

Going Through Who Episode 2.4: The Ark

The Ark


On this episode of Going Through Who the crew takes a look at The Ark with our first look at Dodo, the lovely switch between humans and Monoids, The Doctor becoming more laid back, more convenient food methods, and a discussion of Dodo and Stephen actions together.

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music by ThePantychrist

Artwork by Kevin Draper


TSCN Special: Review of Doctor Who: Dark Water and Death In Heaven

Doctor series 8 Finale

On this TSCN Special Samuel and Donovan get back together after a health inforced break to discuss the final episodes of season 8 in Doctor Who. They talk about certain things that worked, certain things that didn’t, and doubts about Steven Moffat continuing as the showrunner without being negative.

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What’s Your Passion Episode 2: Nick Lewin

Nick Lewin

On this episode of WYP my trip to the Unconventional Convention 2014 gave me the opportunity to sit down with a fantastic comedy magician and all around nice man, Nick Lewin! We discuss when he got into magic, his mentor Ken Brooke, a pursuit of magic that never involved a day job, talent shows, cruise ships, The Magic Castle, the history of the castle itself, creating magic, the real satisfying moments in his career, an interview show of his own, and more!

Nominated Charity:

Nicks Blog:

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Going Through Who Episode 2.3: The Time Meddler

The Time Meddler

On this episode the crew takes a look at The Time Meddler with a serious chat between The Doctor and Vicki, Samuel does a dodgy Dalek impression, The Doctor taking the place of historian, the stick being a weapon gambit, another TARDIS emerges, question where the Doctor came from with a few more clues and more things that shape the future of Doctor Who, and Samuel fills in the gap of what we won’t get to see in the missing episodes.

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music by ThePantychrist

Artwork by Kevin Draper


Going Through Who Episode 2.2: The Chase

The Chase

On this episode of Going Through Who the crew takes a look at The Chase with how the Doctor yells “the Daleks”, changes in Viki, Ians ability of self preservation, The Daleks finding their catchphrase, Barbra’s wardrobe problems, a nice set of destinations, where did Steven Taylor go, and the departure of Ian and Barbra.

  Continue reading Going Through Who Episode 2.2: The Chase

Going Through Who Episode 2.1: The Space Museum

Doctor Dalek


On the premiere of season two of Going Through Who the crew looks at The Space Museum, recall how fantastic the food machine is, Ian getting a gun, Hartnells Dalek impression, The Doctors thought machine taunt, Ian kicking butt, embalming and regeneration, and more.

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The Monthly Music Mixup: November 2014

MMM copy

On this MMM we get reminded of a few things, help you understand what we are feeling, have a cold October night, have you put your phone down, use a thesaurus, and get rid of alot of distractions.


You Remind Me- Charlie Katt

Feel What I’m Feeling- Special Guests

October Night- Todd Chappelle

It Could Be- I C Howes

A Hundred Words To Say Instead Of Swag- Watsky

Turn It Off- Insane Ian

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Artwork by Kevin Draper


TSCN Special: Review Of Doctor Who: Flatline and In The Forest Of The Night

In the Forest of the Night

On this TSCN special, Samuel and Donovan review Flatline and In The Forest Of The Night to talk about how the author of flatline is someone to watch in the future, Clara developing even more, varying degrees of like for the children, iPads in heaven, theories about the finale, and more!

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Artwork by Kevin Draper

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God Is Great Episode 43: Joseph Part 5

GIG Logo resized

On this episode of God Is Great the crew covers Genesis chapter 41 with a look at a promise finally being given after two years, a whopping great dream from Pharaoh, an observation about how down to earth this Pharaoh seems to be compared to others, and more

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Theme song by Danny Lewis

Artwork by Kevin Draper


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God Is Great Episode 42: Joseph Part 4

GIG Logo resized

On this episode of God Is Great Genesis chapter 40 continues the story of Joesph with two servant that screwed up on their job somehow, the dreams they had, how important dreams were to that culture, a reneged promise, and more.

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Theme song by Danny Lewis

Artwork by Kevin Draper

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