Category Archives: Podcast

TSCN Special: Review of Doctor Who: Kill The Moon and Mummy On The Orient Express

Mummy on the Orient Express - 16

On this TSCN Special Donovan and Samuel get together to review Kill The Moon and Mummy On the Orient Express. They take back what they said about Courtney, squirm over spiders, Samuel makes a Agatha Christie slip, Donovan gets a continuity edge in for once and more!

Editors Note: We have decided the flow of two reviews per episode seems to work better so the next review will be in two weeks..see you then!

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Samuel’s Thoughts episode 37: Rabid Fans, Tired Host

Samuel's Thoughts

On this episode I had nothing to talk about in advance so in a slightly tired haze I pull from something I have been dweling on the past few weeks..the topic of fandoms being to annoyed at differing opinions

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The Monthly Music Mixup: October 2014

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On this MMM we think about Someday, hear a track from the latest Chiptunes=Win, think of People Like Me, rock out with Beethoven, go back to the sixties, feel the power of rock, and find out why the chicken really crossed the road.


Someday- Codie Prevost

Sidewalk Raptures- 505

People Like Me- Ethan Smith

Beethoven’s 5 Movement 1 Meets Metal- Erock

Somebody To Love- Betty Moon

The Power Of Rock- Queendom

Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road- Steve Goodie

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Artwork by Kevin Draper

TSCN Special: Review of Doctor Who: Time Heist and The Caretaker

The Caretaker

On this TSCN Special Samuel and Donovan get back together after a weeks break to review both new episodes of Doctor Who, Time Heist and The Caretaker and continue to voice concerns about the paradise arc with the real reason why Samuel is concerned, the positives of Clara’s continuing character development, and an agreement that a certain child from Coal Hill does not need back into the TARDIS.

Continue reading TSCN Special: Review of Doctor Who: Time Heist and The Caretaker

What’s Your Passion Episode 1: Brian Brushwood



On this first episode of What’s Your Passion? Dragoncon 2014 provided me an opportunity to make the first episode of the show a special one. Brian Brushwood took some time out of his busy schedule to talk with me about his journey from warranty support to a successful follower of his passions in professional magic, podcasting, life hacking, and more!

Nominated Charity:

World Builders:

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God Is Great Episode 40: Joseph Part 2

GIG Logo resized


On this episode of GIG the crew covers Genesis chapter 39 to talk about waiting for God to provide, the trouble you can get into if you don’t wait, and a common misconception that comes from this chapter.

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Theme song by Danny Lewis

Artwork by Kevin Draper

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What’s Your Passion episode 0: What is This Show Anyway?

whats your passion copy

The interview show that I have been teaseing you guys with all this time is finally launching and I could not be more excited! On this episode 0 I tell you how the show is going to work and what you can expect from it content wise and it’s unusual schedule…

Continue reading What’s Your Passion episode 0: What is This Show Anyway?

Samuel’s Thoughts episode 36: New things afoot

Samuel's Thoughts

In this episode of Samuel’s Thoughts I talk about full moon problems, a remodel of the studio, thoughts from Dragoncon 2014, I finally reveal the new interview shows name and who the first guest will be, and go into overtime to tell you what one celebrity had to say to Jacob at Dragoncon..

Continue reading Samuel’s Thoughts episode 36: New things afoot