Category Archives: Podcast

TSCN Special: Doctor Who Into The Dalek/ Robot of Sherwood Review

Into the Dalek


On this TSCN Special after a week off at Dragoncon Samuel and Donovan return together to review the two new episodes of Doctor Who, Into The Dalek and Robot Of Sherwood to discuss a few annoyances and observations about the episodes along with some theories about the mysterious Missy.

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The Monthly Music Mixup: September 2014

MMM copy


On this MMM Samuel just got back from Dragoncon and couldn’t resist playing a small set of artists that he encountered along the way. You can also still expect the same various independent artists from around the internet as well! Pop songs will be deconstructed, cell phones will be dialed, time lords will rock, facts will be reminded, highs and lows will be hit, rocket and groot will groove, and classic music will be played.

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God Is Great Episode 39: Joseph Part 1

GIG Logo resized

On this episode of GIG the crew covers the rest of chapter 35 of Genesis before heading into chapters 36 and 37 with two deaths, a whole lot of begats, and Josephs entrance into the story with slight unwise actions and a whole lot of anger and confusion in his family.


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Theme song by Danny Lewis

Artwork by Kevin Draper

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TSCN Specials: Living With Epilepsy

TSCN Specials


On this TSCN Special Samuel, Sue, and Danny gather to tell about the familys story of Samuel’s fight with Epilepsy for the website not only from Samuel’s perspective but how a condition like this can effect an entire family.

For more stories like ours check out and thank them for the opportunity for allowing us to share our story!

Continue reading TSCN Specials: Living With Epilepsy

God Is Great Episode 38: Jacob Part 5

GIG Logo resized


On this episode of God Is Great we talk about Genesis chapter 35 with the connection of the tree the Jacob left the pegan idols at, what those pagan idols were and how modern religion gets a few wrong ideas from them, and the subject of prosperity in a proper balance in our lives.

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Theme song by Danny Lewis

Artwork by Kevin Draper

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TSCN Specials: Guardians Of The Galaxy Review



On this TSCN Special Danny,Sue, and Samuel sit down to finally review Guardians of the Galaxy, the latest movie in the Marvel movie universe.

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Artwork by Kevin Draper


Samuel’s Thoughts episode 35: Being Happy With Yourself

Samuel's Thoughts


On this months episode I give a health update on a little upgrade to my routine that had me a bit sore to start out with, get distracted by interference of my adorable little cousin, realize I deal in reality content, and talk about being happy with yourself no matter what.

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TSCN Specials: Movie Draft Update 8-2-2014

TSCN Specials

On this Movie Draft Update 4 new movies come out and the ranking become more solid but with one more movie remaining to come out second place is still within reach for the last place standing.


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Artwork by Kevin Draper


The Monthly Music Mixup: August 2014

MMM copy


On this MMM the playlist takes a decidedly 80s feel with bad actors, comon concert jokes, very sweet karma, a mashup of two bands, and mix some smooth jazz and acoustic themes for good measure.


Bad To The Bone- :Finn

Pokemon Theme- NateWantsToBattle

The Curse- Mikey Mason

Batman (1989 Movie Theme)- The Andrew Allen Trio

Mythbuster- Bonecage

Chocolate Covered Karma- Alex Von Z

Whole Lotta Helter Skelter- Soundhog

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Artwork by Kevin Draper