Category Archives: Podcast

God Is Great Episode 37: Jacob Part 4

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On this episode of God Is Great the crew looks at Genesis 33 and 34 to find out Esau isn’t angry afterall, Jacob begins his journey home while making a home of his own during it, what a pegan city does to his only daughter, and how her brothers get justified revenge.


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Theme song by Danny Lewis

Artwork by Kevin Draper

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TSCN Specials: Movie Draft Update 7-19-2014

TSCN Specials


On this Movie Draft Update four new movies come out and the race for second place becomes ever clearer.

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Artwork by Kevin Draper

God Is Great Episode 36: Jacob Part 3

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On this episode of God Is Great the crew covers Genesis 32 with some more doubts about Jacob as a human being, and a struggle between God and Jacob that leads to one of the significant name changes that would be the cause of naming for a whole nation.

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Theme song by Danny Lewis

Artwork by Kevin Draper

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Samuel’s Thoughts episode 34: Extra Sensitive

Samuel's Thoughts

On this Samuel’s Thoughts I record in a different setting than normal as I take a car ride with Jacob over to Michaels house. Along the way we talk about my exercise routine making progress, a new pair of shoes that will be much better for my health, and a long talk on if as a world we have become far to sensitive about things and if a difference of opinion is now a taboo thing.

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TSCN Specials: Movie Draft Update 7-5-2014

TSCN Specials

On this weeks movie draft update Samuel gets one new movie and Mark Wahlberg and his alien gun shake up the scores completely!

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Artwork by Kevin Draper


The Monthly Music Mixup: July 2014

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On this MMM Samuel met a band in person and plays a track from them, a mashup, forget a song, stack a house of cards, go 8-bit, miss lullaby’s, and deal with a bit of muddy water.


Old Train- Smokey Mountain Sting Band

Mash Up for What- DJ Earworm

I’m Forgettable- Matt Fisher

House of Cards- ASATRON

Going 8-Bit- Mark Baermann

Lullaby- Mary Lemanski

Muddy Water- Adam Traum

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Artwork by Kevin Draper


TSCN Specials: Movie Draft Update 6-28-2014

TSCN Specials


On this weeks Movie Draft Update the new Transformers movie rolls out but what does that do for the constant battle for second place between Sue and Jacob?

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Artwork by Kevin Draper


God Is Great Episode 35: Jacob Part 2

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On this episode of God Is Great the crew covers Genesis chapter 31 as the game between Jacob and Leban continues with one last bit of clever planning on Jacobs part, and Rachel doing something that shows a bit of her nature that annoys at least two of the crew members.

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Theme song by Danny Lewis

Artwork by Kevin Draper

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TSCN Specials: Movie Draft Update 6-21-2014

TSCN Specials

This weeks update makes up for the fact there wasn’t one last week by revealing the movies that have come out since including another mistake the crew made by not swooping it up, and another change in scores.

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Artwork by Kevin Draper

God Is Great Episode 34: Jacob Part 1

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On this episode of God Is Great the crew covers Genesis chapter 30 with Sue doing the breakdowns of meanings of names that she does so well and a discussion of mandrakes and what in the world they were doing there in the first place!

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Theme song by Danny Lewis

Artwork by Kevin Draper

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