Category Archives: Podcast

TSCN Special: Movie Draft Update 4-27-2014

TSCN Specials

On this weeks Movie Draft Update Trancendence comes out for Sue but does the singularity help her become one with high figures? Skip Grabubarf reports.

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Artwork by Kevin Draper

God Is Great Episode 31: Isaac part 4

GIG Logo resized

On this episode of GIG the crew takes a look at Genesis chapter 27 with the sneaky moves of Rebekah and Gods plan that takes a bit of the edge off of it as well as Gods harsh moves in some circumstances, and Rebekah setting the template for concerned mothers.

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Theme song by Danny Lewis

Artwork by Kevin Draper

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TSCN Specials: Movie Draft Update 4-19-2014


On this weeks Movie Draft Update Skip reports on two new movies for Samuel and one new movie for Sue as they finally come into the running to try to catch up Jacobs lead with Captain America..but how are they doing?

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Artwork by Kevin Draper

TSCN Specials: Review of Captain America: The Winter Soldier


On this TSCN Special Samuel, Sue, and Danny sit down to review the latest in the Marvel movie franchise. They discuss their thoughts on it not only in quality of movie but how the story will effect the universe as a whole.

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Artwork by Kevin Draper


God Is Great Episode 30: Isaac part 3

GIG Logo resized


On this episode the crew takes a look at Genesis chapter 26 with a repeating of Gods oath to Isaac, the significance of wells to the culture of the day, how our own personal wells in our life matter, and Esaus choice of wife not exactly making his parents happy.

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Theme song by Danny Lewis

Artwork by Kevin Draper

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Samuel’s Thoughts episode 31: You can have both

Samuel's Thoughts


On this episode of Samuel’s Thoughts I talk about my health in both walking and epilepsy, an interesting conversation I had with a viewer sparks a talk on epilepsy not being accepted everywhere, and I talk about why I believe in both science and God without having a conflict.

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TSCN Specials: Movie Draft Update 4-11-2014



The movie draft is on with Jacob being the first with a movie out of the gate how big of a lead will he take..only one way to find out..we let Skip Grabubarf out of his box to do the first report of the summer movie draft season.

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Artwork by Kevin Draper


TSCN Special: Review Of God’s Not Dead


On this TSCN Special the crew of God Is Great gets together to review the movie God’s Not Dead and gather their thoughts about the challenges it gives anyone who calls themselves a believer in God.

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Artwork by Kevin Draper


The Monthly Music Mixup: April 2014

MMM copy


On this weeks MMM Samuel celebrates 4 years of podcasting by shareing some great music from an new youtuber, breathes in the fresh air, reminds you how we do it, gets off his butt and does something now, features spoons, game bugs, and two songs about relationships.


Get Lucky- Thomas Adkins

Pourin Over Me- Ashley Forrest

This is How We Do It- Professor Shyguy & Sci-Fried

Someday Is Now- Cactus Honey

Clap Your Hands- Old John Smokey

Batman: Arkham Origins- Insane Ian

Tangled- Plastic Sky

Pick Me Up- Bosco and Peck


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Artwork by Kevin Draper


TSCN Special: 2014 Summer Movie Draft




On this TSCN special Samuel, Sue, and Jacob get together to make their picks for the Summer Movie Draft with a good old fashioned auction. Some movies will be left behind and others will find a good home..the only way to find out which is which is to listen!

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