Category Archives: Podcast

God Is Great Episode 29: Isaac part 2

GIG Logo resized


On this episode the crew finishes up on a few more facts of Chapter 24 before going into chapter 25 of Genesis by talking about some strage similarities between Abraham, Isaac, Rebekah, and Sarah, and how God seems to be making plenty of instances to remind everyone that he is the one in control.

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Theme song by Danny Lewis

Artwork by Kevin Draper

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God Is Great Episode 28: Isaac part 1

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On this episode of God Is Great the crew takes a look at Genesis chapter 25 as we see the change of the narrative baton from Abraham to Isaac with a search for a wife, a talk on having balance in your life, the great romance of Isaac and Rebekah, and a chat on marriage being watered down in modern times.

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Theme song by Danny Lewis

Artwork by Kevin Draper

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Samuel’s Thoughts episode 30: Communication

Samuel's Thoughts


On this episode of Samuel’s Thoughts I had a very intersting month to tell you about with good news and new goals regarding my health, a new acting role I am excited to take on, and two events that made me realize how important communication is for me personally.

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The Monthly Music Mixup March 2014

MMM copy


On this months MMM we face a few bodies of water, a few bad things, look at how they just don’t make things like they used to anymore, deal with love so hot the firedepartment had to be called, and that brat Beiber..sigh..


Facing the Ocean- Heather Gruber

Face in the Water- Freds House

Bad Wolf- Devo Spice

Bad Dreams- Rave Boar

Airships- Confabulation of Gentry

Someone Call the Fire Department- Paperboy

That Brat Bieber- Steve Goodie

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Artwork by Kevin Draper


God Is Great Episode 27: Abraham part 10

GIG Logo resized


On this episode of GIG the crew covers Genesis chapter 23 and cover the death of Sarah as a few cultural significance moments crop up along the way.

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Theme song by Danny Lewis

Artwork by Kevin Draper

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God Is Great Episode 26: Abraham part 9

GIG Logo resized

On this episode of GIG the crew covers Genesis Chapter 22 by looking at Abraham big walk of faith and how that walk is yet another one of the Jesus in plain sight moments.

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Theme song by Danny Lewis

Artwork by Kevin Draper

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Samuel’s Thoughts episode 29: TSCN changes with Samuel and Jacob



On this months Samuel’s Thoughts Jacob joins in as the two have a much needed public conversation about the changes in the network and how they will be for the better both in terms of content and in terms of the personal life of everyone involved.

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The Monthly Music Mixup February 2014

MMM copy

On the premire of The Monthly Music Mixup Samuel showcases DJ Earworms yearly mashup of the top pop hits, a new song from the Chiptunes=Win gang, Follow where the money is, before flat out saying no, needing to miss a few things, dealing with difficult things, and admitting to fake adulthood.


United State Of Pop 2013 (Living the Fantasy)- DJ Earworm

JjasonSalazZ- Rainbowdragoneyes

Where the Money Is- Jims Big Ego

No- Woodrow Gerber

Needed to Miss You- The Powergoats

Nobody Said- Rebecca Mae

Fake Adult- The Great Luke Ski

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Artwork by Kevin Draper


Going Through Who Episode 1.13: The Web Planet

Web Planet


On the season finale of Going Through Who the crew talks about a story that proves not all Doctor Who hits it on the nose with The Web Planet, The Doctors charades, Vikis hypnosis, pens vanishing, The Menoptera not being the best creature to ever show up, and more.

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music by ThePantychrist

Artwork by Kevin Draper



God Is Great Episode 25: Abraham part 8

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On this episode of GIG after all the wait Isaac has arrived in chapter 21 of Genesis, Danny makes observations about the wilderness that may not have been thought of before, and Sue starts a discussion on the roller coaster of following Abraham and Sarah when it comes to their actions.

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Theme song by Danny Lewis

Artwork by Kevin Draper

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