Category Archives: Podcast

Samcast episode 185: MMM

Samcast new


On this weeks Samcast we ask who is The Doctor, think about some things, celebrate a marriage in the Samcast crew, play hip-hop for the first time on the show, have Dr. Frankenstein fix a few things, and end in a epic mashup.



Who Is The Doctor- Devo Spice

Think About It- Bosco and Peck

Down Today- Jonathan Coulton

In the Air- ECOMOG

Dr. Frankenstein- Joshua Bennett

Mash Machine- DJ Faroff

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music by Derek K. Miller at

Artwork by Kevin Draper


God Is Great Episode 21: Abraham part 4

GIG Logo resized


On this episode of GIG the crew clears up a few mistakes made in last weeks episode before they carry on talking about God telling Abram why Ishmael won’t work as an heir, the forming of the circumcision covanant and finally the names change making sure that the crew never accidentally says Abraham again!

Going Through Who Episode 1.3: The Edge Of Destruction

Edge Of Destruction


On this weeks Going Through Who the crew talks about the story to start a tradition of the more bizarre and surreal episodes of Doctor Who by talking about the two part story The Edge of Destruction. They adjust to just having two parts, the first mention of the TARDIS being alive, the Doctor being paranoid, never giving Susan a sharp pair of scissors, Samuel’s love of TARDIS contained stories and more.

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music by ThePantychrist

Artwork by Kevin Draper

Samcast episode 184: Kenn Kington

Kenn Kington


On this weeks episode of Samcast, Samuel gets to sit down with comedian Kenn Kington and talk about his journey through the world of comedy, the crew reviews the new Doctor Who prequel, Jacob reviews book 2 of the legend of Korra, and Samuel forgets to clear out the recorders SD card.

Links from this weeks show:

Kenns Site:

The Night Of The Doctor:

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music by Derek K. Miller at

Artwork by Kevin Draper


God Is Great Episode 20: Abraham part 3

GIG Logo resized


On the episode of GIG the crew talks about why in the world Sarai and Arbam would forget about Gods promise and try to get a son through other means then promised, how God doesn’t pick perfect humans for his work, the dating controversy of Abrams age and more.

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Theme song by Danny Lewis

Artwork by Kevin Draper

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Going Through Who Episode 1.2: The Daleks

The Daleks

On this episode of Going Through Who the crew covers the first appearance of The Doctors greatest enemy, The difference between them then and now, the harshness of the first Doctor, Samuel geeks out a bit when it comes to sound design of the era, Ian in a Dalek, and much more!

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music by ThePantychrist

Artwork by Kevin Draper


Samcast episode 183: Sir Patrick



On this weeks Samcast Samuel came back from the local magic convention with an interview with magician Sir Patrick about his sudden rise from working on his act to performing at one of the biggest events in magic and everything in between, That and the usual second half of the show insanity on this episode!

Sir Patricks Website:

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music by Derek K. Miller at

Artwork by Kevin Draper


Going Through Who episode 1.1: An Unearthly Child

Unearthly Child


On the season premier of Going Through Who the crew covers the story line that started it all by talking about the different feel of classic who as opposed to new who, who got to utter the phrase Doctor Who first, the cleverness of the first doctor, the mild creepiness of Ian and Barbra, and how no matter what time you are in politics always screw things up.

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music by ThePantychrist

Artwork by Kevin Draper


Samcast episode 182: Kevin Draper



On this weeks special episode of Samcast, while the crew is on vacation for a week we have an interview for you! Samuel had the chance recently to sit down with Samcast crew member Kevin Draper and ask him all about his new book These Midnight Streets, how he got his inspiration to write in the first place, and how the independent publishing process works from the inside.

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music by Derek K. Miller at

Artwork by Kevin Draper


Samcast episode 181: MMM

Samcast new


On this weeks Samcast with the Monthly Music Mixup the crew takes a trip to Austin, stop complaining, cobble together a time machine, remember old friends, have something for the weekend, and get ready for world war three.


Austin- The Dive Poets

Don’t Moan To Me-  King Pug

Time Machine- Jonah Knight

Remember Me- Ally and Chris

Something For The Weekend- Andy Shearer

World War Three- Jupiter Falls

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music by Derek K. Miller at

Artwork by Kevin Draper