Category Archives: Podcast

Samcast Extra: Bioshock Infinite Spoilercast

Bioshock Infinite

On this Samcast extra Samuel, Sue, and Jacob talk about Bioshock Infinite without any holding back of other words if you have not played the game and do not want to be spoiled do not listen! You have been warned.

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music by Derek K. Miller at

Artwork by Kevin Draper


Samcast episode 157: Don’t Text, And Read Comics, And Drive

texting and drive

On this weeks Samcast the crew talk about two X-Men being allowed to be in the Avengers despite ownership rights, 80’s game tropes, the idiocy of texting and driving, no classic doctors being in the Doctor Who 50’th, and talk of a controversy with Fire Emblem ends up with Samuel mentally scaring Jacob.

3rd Party for the 3DS:

lets talk about the Green Ranger Dr Oliver:

Here’s the cold hard facts about texting and driving:

You know it’s an 80’s movie when:

You know it’s an 80’s Game when:

No classic Doctors in the 50th anniversary. Also no 9th:

Man banned from Saudi Arabia for being to sexy:–for-your-treat–the-man-who-is-deported-from-saudi-arabia-for-being-too-handsome

X-Men Characters in Avengers 2, how?:

Ghost Rider is back with Marvel:

The bell that has rung for 173 years:

Pushing Dasies just entered the kick starter fray:

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music by Derek K. Miller at

Artwork by Kevin Draper

This weeks Image by: SiK-photo


Samcast episode 156: MMM

Samcast new

On this weeks Samcast Samuel is alone but not really while he still has the music to keep him company as he falls slowly through time, admits to a bit of Minecraft OCD, gets a memo from Bob down the hall about his brains, plays another Lobsterdust mix, and then finally comes home.


Falling Slowly- Nine Times Blue

Through Time- Not Literally

Minecraft OCD- Boots On Cats

Re: Your Brains- Jonathan Coulton

We Found A Good Beat- DJ Lobsterlust

Comin Home- Greg Waters and The Broad Street Boogie

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music by Derek K. Miller at

Artwork by Kevin Draper


Samuel’s Thoughts episode 25: New Job and Fictional Funding

Samuel's Thoughts


On this episode of Samuel’s Thoughts I talk about a change of job that is very familiar and comfortable along with my new Minecraft Let’s Play project taking off more than expected with a fantastic community that has my back and the adjustments an audio only producer has to make when dealing with video.all that and I geek out about Adam Currys Podcast rig in a box.

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God Is Great Episode 7: Genesis Chapter 3 part 2

GIG Logo resized


On this episode of GIG we finish up this chapter by covering the curse that we used to be under before Jesus came along and the ridiculous amount of finger pointing that went on in the garden!

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Theme song by Danny Lewis


Artwork by Kevin Draper


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Samcast episode 155: Plead the fourth and hide the beer


On this weeks Samcast the crew is joined by Donovan Adkisson of to talk about a prank that went horribly wrong, the law that’s making all the geeks fill with rage, the new specs on Google Glass and a whole lot more!

Tiger Woods almost thrown out due to tv viewer:–from-the-couch–tv-viewer-plays-rules-official-in-penalizing-tiger-woods-182737177.html

Shakespere was pretty good at insults:

How one prank paniced an entire student body:

iPhone thief good with chopsticks:

Glass specs revealed:

Professor Layton’s final mystery:

Big News for 3DS fans:

CISPA passes U.S. House: Death of the Fourth Amendment?

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music by Derek K. Miller at

Artwork by Kevin Draper

Image this week by: cogdogblog


God Is Great Extra: Review Of Home Run

Home Run Poster


On this extra episode of GIG we review the new movie home run with the help of family friend and leader of a local Celebrate Recovery group Joel Mckindry. We talk about the movie itself along with how the Celebrate Recovery program is represented in the film.

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Theme song by Danny Lewis

Artwork by Kevin Draper

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God Is Great Episode 6: Genesis Chapter 3

GIG Logo resized


On this episode of GIG we start on chapter 3 of Genesis by talking about the sneaky tricks that Satan uses to get us off our guard by going into detail how one little change of a few words can mean all the difference between the truth and a flat out lie.

Sue’s Scriptures:

John 8:44, “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”

II Corinthians 11:14, “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.”

Revelation 12:9, “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.”

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Theme song by Danny Lewis


Artwork by Kevin Draper


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Samcast episode 154: A Podcaster, his friends, and a baby


On this weeks Samcast a full crew and a baby come into the studio to talk about the latest “Gate to hell” that has been found, the possibility of the eight doctor returning to Doctor Who, Googles way of taking care of things after you pass away, and a whole lot more on this very random episode of Samcast.

No Tales games planned for next gen consoles yet but Wii U could get one if it improves

Make an Asteroid around the moon

The Megaman that could’ve been

Fan made Zelda games

“Gate to hell” found:

Fox bans sales of Jayne hats:

Service aero stirs up newscorp:

Microsoft apologies for twitter remarks:

Using Google from the grave!

8th might return

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music by Derek K. Miller at

Artwork by Kevin Draper

This weeks Image by: Ben Sutherland

Samcast episode 153: We’re Three years old!

samcast album

                                     The first Samcast album artwork

On this weeks Samcast Kevin rejoins us after so much time away and we turn three years old! To celebrate we talk about news of the doctor whos 50th, discuss why Sherlock Holmes is never a good role model, and talk about all the wonderful things to come out of April Fools Day this year.

Tennant and Piper confirmed:

Assassin’s Creed the potentially never ending story

Let Zygons be Zygons

White House to map your brain:

Disney shuts down Lucasarts department:

April fools was this week:

Sherlock quotes not to live by:

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music by Derek K. Miller at

Artwork by Kevin Draper