Category Archives: Samuel’s Thoughts

Samuel’s Thoughts 61: Foggy But Back!

Samuel's Thoughts

On this episode I explain why an episode of the show is coming out on the first week instead of it’s normal time, talk about my medical journey for the past two weeks, and talk about how to deal with all the stuff the world throws at you.
Continue reading Samuel’s Thoughts 61: Foggy But Back!

Samuel’s Thoughts 59: Pink in the Face

Samuel's Thoughts

On this episode I cover  my time at a color walk and my personal goal involved in it, review my new Karma card to tell you if it’s any good or not, talk a bit about Pokemon Go from my casual perspective, and announce a Dragoncon event with limited space!


Dragoncon event search:

Snaps from the color walk:

Karma card:

Continue reading Samuel’s Thoughts 59: Pink in the Face

Samuel’s Thoughts 56: Political Blunder

Samuel's Thoughts

On this episode of Samuel’s Thoughts I talk about finally facing my fears by opening up a Patreon for the website, talk about how my health is going, pull apart a political ad that really has no idea what it’s doing, and give an update on the job search.
Continue reading Samuel’s Thoughts 56: Political Blunder

Samuel’s Thoughts 55: A Friendly Question

Samuel's Thoughts

On this episode of Samuel’s Thoughts I record a makeup episode where the other version of  55 had a glitch in it. I talk about the unemployment situation and how it very well may not last for much longer, and I respond my first listener question asking about my thoughts on having a friend of the opposite sex while in a relationship! Continue reading Samuel’s Thoughts 55: A Friendly Question