Category Archives: Samuel’s Thoughts

Samuel’s Thoughts episode 23: It’s OK I’m fine!

Samuel's ThoughtsOn this months Samuel’s Thoughts I talk about the elephant in the room that is my trailer being hit by a car and all the strange little things I have realized along the way. I talk about a year in the podcast mastermind and a neat little way to game your habits and goals that I found recently.

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Samuel’s Thoughts episode 22: Times Change Things

 Samuel's Thoughts

On this months Samuel’s Thoughts I take a look back on my year and notice how much myself and others have changed around me and how sometimes those changes can lead to some difficult decisions while other times it leads to happy situations. I also talk about different things happening with TSCN in general.

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Samuel’s Thoughts episode 21: Taking Initiative

On this months Samuel’s Thoughts I talk about taking opportunism in stride and what being to afraid of them can do. I also get help from Kevin with his own story of not holding back gave him a sweet moment of victory.

Video that inspired the episode:

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Samuel’s Thoughts episode 20: Stop whining and show some respect!

On this months episode of Samuel’s Thoughts I talk about a recent trend in tech journalism that has me worried about getting honest opinions instead of being with what others say, I talk about leadership and why getting the attention shouldn’t be the goal, and I end with the controversial topic of what happens in my mind when a certain someone I respect doesn’t show respect to others. Hint, it’s not hatred but its not flattering either!

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Samuel’s Thoughts episode 19: Rebels With Microphones

On this episode of Samuel’s Thoughts I talk about two new projects that I am involved in that make me very excited and I talk about an article this month that made me think back to how awesome the internet is for content creation and why not being mainstream isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

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Samuel’s Thoughts episode 18: A Change Of Strategy

On this months Samuel’s Thoughts I talk about how one mastermind call has made me rethink the way that I think about using social media, How it gave me a fun fan boy moment, and talk about a few upcoming projects that are still waiting to take full shape in my head.

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Samuel’s Thoughts episode 17: A walking contraindication

Editors Note: At the beginning of the podcast I mistakenly say that it is episode 16 when in fact it is episode 17…shows what getting used to introducling a podcast a new way will do to you when your not used to it yet..

On this episode of Samuel’s Thoughts I talk about the layers that make us different in our personalities and how my taste in media personas has changed since I began to take the internet in fully.

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Samuel’s Thoughts episode 16: Staying Independent

On this Samuel’s Thoughts I reflect on the news of Revision3 being bought by the Discovery Channel and what would happen if an old media company ever approached me for purchase and the huge amount of cons vs the pros of such a move.


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Samuel’s Thoughts episode 15: In honor of a good man

On this Samuel’s Thoughts I talk about my thoughts of the passing of a great man of god. Dr. David H. Foster passed away on Sunday and left behind a legacy that will never be forgotten. My prayers go out to family and friends and I highly recommend the content at


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