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3 thoughts on “Contact Us”

  1. REĀ 
    MMM June 14
    Thanks for relating to my song “We can be friends” Indeed a throwback to high school


    WestofUstick dot com

  2. In reference to Kevin’s statements on Ewan McGowan being more Obi Wan than Sir Alec Guiness, I completely agree. Where Guiness certainly originated the role, he never had the passion for it that McGowan Clearly does. I don’t find it at all controversial.

    I will get somehwat controversial and say that you can’t ignore James Arnold Taylor who voiced the role in the Clone Wars, and may even own it more than McGann.

    Love the podcast. Getting caught up after my lack of commuting at all during COVid. I’m currently listening to your current episodes while I get caught up on the 7th Doctor Podcasts. (7th doctor being my first doctor)

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