Dragoncon 2014

A whole lot of things happened at Dragoncon. Jacob and I both had a blast and wanted to share all we did with you so bellow are vlogs of each of the three days we spent there split up for your convenience..because..you would never watch that much video at once..right?

Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3:

If you want to see all the pictures that we took during the con our Flickr gallery of them is now up here:


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2 thoughts on “Dragoncon 2014”

  1. Love it! Very nice fall at the end there. It looks like you guys had a blast. So wish you had gotten footage of yourself “partying.” I’d love to see that. You made it sound like a unique Samuel brand of partying lol. Nothing quite more Kentucky than the bus station being in a Burger King lol. Loved Jacob peeking into the frame now and then. That glare was pretty awesome too. Nice hat, is that a fez?

  2. Jerelle I had meant to get some footage of said partying but at some point you get so into it..you sorta forget..my one goal for the dealer room was to get a fez like a lot of Doctor Who fans..as you can see I succeeded..Jacob is quite good at small peaks..I had no intention trying to keep him out of shot but with his dodging skills into shot I had no need to worry about accidentally doing that. Glad you liked it..this certainly will not be either of our last Dragoncon..

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