Finally Concrete news on Watch Dogs for Wii U

Wii U Watch Dogs

Finally some concrete news on Watch Dogs

                With all the news on Watch Dogs from rumors, to exaggerations, to cancellations, and delays it’s really hard to put much stock on news about this title. For those who don’t know we’ve already had a rumor of the game being canceled on the Wii U which turned out to be just a computer glitch that everyone over reacted to. Then we had the controversy about the trademark being dropped but that turned out to be done by hackers and that turned out to be another bit of misinformation.

Here’s the real news. Watch Dogs will come to Wii U sometime after April 1st this year.  That’s concrete and that is Ubisoft’s current plan which came from Ubisoft themselves so we can say for sure this is the actual news about the game.  For those who plan to get the game for the Wii U just sit back, relax, and better not look up Watch Dogs on google because with all these misinformation articles up and about it’s really hard keep up with what’s going on. Rejoice in the fact that it is coming to Wii U and rest easy because that’s not going to change.

Jacob Carpenter is the writer for TSCN.TV and also a blogger under the name JSnakeC on IGN


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