Going Through Who Memory Core: The Sarah Jane Adventures

On this episode the crew covers The Sarah Jane Adventures spinoff with discussions about spinoffs in general, the dynamics of the SJA crew, the balance of a kids show with intelligent storylines, and the Slitheen being a perfect monster to start the show off.

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Artwork by Baniee

Theme music by ThePantychrist

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One thought on “Going Through Who Memory Core: The Sarah Jane Adventures”

  1. Happy to be almost caught up again.

    Sam, when listening to this episode about in Big Finish (take a drink) there is a villain that is dangerous because he’s bad at what he does and now all I can think of is Doctor Dooofenshmirtz in the Whoniverse, and I’m waiting for the Big Finish with Dr. Doof and Perry the Timelord Platypus.

    Also when are you joining Blue Sky?

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