Legos and Doctor Who


Lego is considering Doctor Who

                Fans everywhere supported the idea of Doctor Who legos and after getting 10,000 supporters, Lego will review a Doctor Who set.  While this doesn’t mean a Doctor Who set will come out with such a huge fan base it certainly stands a good chance.

Lego had this to say about it.

“We’re looking forward to considering this project in the LEGO Review, but for now excuse us while we go make an electroshock device … just in case this really IS a Nestene plot to take over the world via a toy factory! We now officially advance this project to the Review phase.

What happens now?

This project moves from the Idea stage to the Review stage. A “LEGO Review Board” composed of designers, product managers, and other key team members will examine the idea. We’ll build concept models and determine if the concept meets our high standards for what it takes to be a LEGO product. This includes factors such as playability, safety, and fit with the LEGO brand. Every potential LEGO product goes through a process like this and must meet the same standards.

This project qualifies for the Second 2014 Review beginning in May and ending in September.

The review is a thorough process and from its start, and can take several months. When finished, we make a “go/no go” decision to develop and sell a product based on the Doctor Who concept.

When the review is complete, we will inform you of our decision. If green-lit, this project goes into the longest phase of the project; the Development phase. During this time, LEGO model designers refine the product and develop it for release, we create the product materials (box, instructions, marketing), and get everything ready for a production run. This also takes several months.”

Jacob Carpenter is the writer for TSCN.TV and also a blogger under the name JSnakeC on IGN

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