New Companion for Doctor Who


New Companion for Doctor Who

                Since Peter Capaldi’s Doctor will have nothing to do with romance in the slightest it looks like a new character will fill that role for our impossible girl Clara Oswald.  Samuel Anderson will play as Danny Pink a teacher at Coal Hill School like Clara.

How they plan to introduce his character, and what his character will offer to the show has yet to be determined but it is possible that this new character will play a romantic interest for Clara to fill in the gap that has been left for romance fans everywhere when the Doctor left his boyfriend material status behind.

This isn’t the first time two teachers have traveled alongside the Doctor. The original companions Ian and Barbara were teachers of the Doctor’s granddaughter before they stepped in the Tardis and their lives changed forever.

Anderson had this to say about the role. “I was so excited to join Doctor Who, I wanted to jump and click my heels but I was scared I might not come down before filming started,” he continues by saying, “It’s a quintessential part of British culture and I can’t believe I’m part of it. It’s an honour to be able to work alongside Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman and I can’t wait to show people how my character becomes involved with such a fantastic duo.”

So get ready whovians a new companion is coming which will hopefully add a lot to the cast of characters. Let’s just hope he doesn’t keep dying and coming back like Clara and Rory. I think we’ve seen enough characters that won’t stay dead.


Jacob Carpenter is the writer for TSCN.TV and also a blogger under the name JSnakeC on IGN

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