Going Through Who 16.6: Evolution Of The Daleks

On this episode the crew covers the second part of the Daleks in Manhattan story as they cover Evolution of The Daleks a look at the Daleks, a sonic trope, a conversation that annoys Samuel, a fun sitcom reference, human Daleks, a amazing theater scene, and the pig and the showgirl.

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Artwork by Baniee

Theme music by ThePantychrist

Going Through Who 16.5: Daleks In Manhattan

On this episode the crew changes the show format and covers Daleks in Manhattan with an era both Sue and Samuel adore, Hooverville, a refresher on Daleks lore, types of companions, veterans talk, baby faced Andrew Garfield, a sewer setup, and talk about human Daleks.

To find previous episodes go to: tscn.tv/gtw

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Artwork by Baniee

Theme music by ThePantychrist

Samuel’s Thoughts 151: Direct Thoughts With Jacob Carpenter

On this episode I take my monthly car ride with Jacob on our way to a Vampires session to talk about the latest Nintendo Direct and the things that made us excited contained in it.

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Music from https://filmmusic.io

“NewsSting” and “News Theme” by Kevin MacLeod


License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

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