A Friendly Conversation 29: Back with a Twist

On this episode Samuel is joined by guest co-host Kevin Fournier to talk about Samuels trip to see Alton Brown Live, Kevin talks about Adam Savage on Tested, the grey area of emulators, is The Orville better than Star Trek at times, and Samuel is obsessed with Spider-man Remastered.

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Artwork by Baniee

Going Through Who 15.2: Bad Wolf/ The Parting of The Ways

On this episode the crew wraps up the Ninth Doctor with Bad Wolf and The Parting of The Ways with a story that has callbacks both the the show as a whole and this series, lampoons that are spot on, Rose gets a bit jealous, a few crying moments, Rose gets a bit insensitive and Mickey doesn’t care, a twist noone expects, and the end of a era.

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music by ThePantychrist

Artwork by Baniee

Going Through Who 15.1: Boom Town

On this episode the crew covers Boom Town with a spoiled reveal, an interesting change in tone, utter love of Annette Badland , the consequences of The Doctors actions, Mickey getting the short end of the stick, Jack goes tinkering, and Gwenth gets a shout out.

Thread of Companion Bodycounts

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music by ThePantychrist

Artwork by Baniee

Going Through Who 14.13: The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances

On this episode the crew covers the two parter The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances with meeting Captain Jack, a story about characters, regrets, nanogenes, war as an allegory, a shoutout to a few performances, and a amazing redemption.

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music by ThePantychrist

Artwork by Baniee

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