Samuel’s Thoughts 147: The Elite Thirteen

On this episode I talk about Goosebumps, an amazing finale of a silly show, and someone that gets two of my favorite universes nailing it with a combo of the two. It’s going to get very very niche this time!

Goosebumps turns 30:

Holey Moley Finale:

Doctor Who and Pokemon:

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Music from

“NewsSting” and “News Theme” by Kevin MacLeod


License: CC BY (

Going Through Who 14.12: Father’s Day

On this episode the crew covers Father’s Day with a story that goes a different direction in scope, we get to meet Pete Tyler, Jackies memories, did Rose plot everything out, a talk about the reapers, the 80s of it all, great character development, and Pete doing what needs to be done.

The Nexus Point Episode 3:

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music by ThePantychrist

Artwork by Baniee

Going Through Who 14.11: The Long Game

On this episode the crew covers The Long Game as we try a new format, talk about Simon Peggs amazing performance, how prevalent this story gets in modern times, a talk about Adam, and the Doctors reaction to Adam.

The Nexus Point episode 2:

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music by ThePantychrist

Artwork by Baniee

Going Through Who 14.10: Dalek

On this episode it’s finally time for the old foes to make their way into modern Who with the crew looking at Dalek with a framing by Kevin as to what this story really is about, The Doctors rage, Samuel talks about his first Dalek experience, loving to hate Van Statten, a uncomfortable act from The Doctor, a clever Dalek, a not fully sympathetic end, is Van Stattens end a good one, and a unintentional companion.

Kevins plug:

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music by ThePantychrist

Artwork by Baniee

Samuel’s Thoughts 146: Pokemon and Hounds

On this episode I’m joined by Jacob Carpenter of Get More XP to talk the latest Pokemon news and we talk about a trolling squirel, and an attack on some art.

Jacobs website:

Trolling Squirrel:

Attack on the Mona Lisa:

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Music from

“NewsSting” and “News Theme” by Kevin MacLeod


License: CC BY (

Going Through Who 14.9: Aliens of London/World War Three

On this double episode the crew covers their first modern series two part story with Aliens of London and World War Three with the first time we think about what being a companion can do to someone’s family, an oddball law about BBC reporters. the joy of Harriet Jones, a little pig man in a spacesuit, one heck of a cliffhanger, Kevin has a few soapbox moments, Jackie gets to have a hero moment, and a struggle with choices.


Nexus Point Episode one:

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music by ThePantychrist

Artwork by Baniee

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