Going Through Who 13.13: Masterplan

On this episode the crew covers Masterplan with a Professor that is working himself far too hard, a cat and mouse game with The Doctor and The Master, great talk between the two, Liv and Sally play the same game, Molly shows up without a word, and Kevin has a neat theory about Sally.

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music by ThePantychrist

Artwork by Baniee

A Friendly Conversation 26: That Looks horrifying

On this episode of AFC the crew covers A magic convention, the streamlabs controversy, people being dogmatic, we got a new FNAF trailer, and we finished Layers of Fear 2.

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Artwork by Baniee

Going Through Who 13.12: The Reviled

On this episode the crew covers The Reviled with a planet with a power struggle, Sally and The Doctor play diplomats, a rebellion bubbles, a reminder that Timelords are horrible most of the time, weapons arrive, Sharma doesn’t impress the crew, A very promising actor bit occurs again, evacuation of the planet begins, and the last ten minutes are insane!

To find previous episodes go to: tscn.tv/gtw

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music by ThePantychrist

Artwork by Baniee

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