Going Through Who 13.7: The Traitor

On this episode the crew starts Dark Eyes 2 by covering The Traitor with a different way of opening things up, The Daleks not having an original super weapon plan, The Dalek Time Controller, the introduction of Liv, a group of rebels that make mistakes, one odd moment for Kevin, Liv doesn’t buy who The Doctor is, and something is lurking in the story.

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music by ThePantychrist

Artwork by Baniee

Samuel’s Thoughts 142: Talking Bout Regeneration

On this episode I’m joined by my Co-Host from Going Through Who, Kevin Fournier, to talk about the news about Jodi Whitaker and Chris Chibnall both announcing they are leaving Doctor Who soon.

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“NewsSting” and “News Theme” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)

The Monthly Music Mixup: August 2021

Finally I get the chance to do another episode of the show and I catch you up with all my latest submissions of indie music to start your month off right!


What You Say- Papa Satch

Got My Top Down- Nex lev’l band

Here We Go Again- Mike Thompson

River of Neon- Iveta & Simone

To find previous episodes go to: tscn.tv/MMM

To see all the shownotes for this episode go to: tscn.tv/MMM

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Send feedback and submissions to: monthlymusicmixup@gmail.com or comment in the post below!

theme by Musicincloud.com

Artwork by Kevin Draper

Going Through Who 13.6: X and The Daleks

On this episode the crew covers X and The Daleks where all the threads come together on the planet Srangor, what happens to Straxus, Who Kotris is, why are Mollys eyes so dark, and more!

To find previous episodes go to: tscn.tv/gtw

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Send feedback to: goingthroughwho@gmail.com or comment in the post below!

music by ThePantychrist

Artwork by Baniee

A Friendly Conversation 25: Moral Decisions in Gaming

On this episode Samuel injures himself…twice…a fun use of a space heater, a tragedy with a storm and a streamer, blizzard morality on a consumer level and how that goes to person decisions in morality, Pokémon has a new MOBA, and Shae has some new snacks to talk about.

To find previous episodes go to: tscn.tv/afc

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Artwork by Baniee

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