Going Through Who 13.2: The Silver Turk

On this episode the crew covers The Silver Turk with an adventure with Mary Shelly, an actual sympathetic feel for some Cybermen, a talk about Cybermen history, how Mary actually showed up, The Doctor in the background, a nice use for eyes, and some foggy thoughts on the Cybermen in the story.

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music by ThePantychrist

Artwork by Baniee

A Friendly Conversation 24: Peirce! W/ Donovan Adkisson

On this episode we are joined by Donovan Adkisson who did some yardwork, pipeline talk, two factor woes, Samuel has a change in character, and vaccine talk.

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Artwork by Baniee

Going Through Who 13.1: Situation Vacant

On this episode the crew covers Situation Vacant as The Doctor hold tryouts for a new companion, is the doctor in control or not, new inventions at a conference, how reality show this story actually is, perfect sound design, interesting technobabble, logical extremes passed, and everyone has a secret.

To find previous episodes go to: tscn.tv/gtw

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music by ThePantychrist

Artwork by Baniee

Samuel’s Thoughts 139: Jeff Rolls Dice

On this episode I’m joined by Kevin Fournier to talk about old charges, a really inventive grandson, an annoying cheater, and Jeff freaking Goldblum playing DnD.

Overdue VHS Tape: https://gizmodo.com/woman-hit-with-embezzlement-charges-for-20-year-old-ove-1846764009

The YaYaGram: https://www.theverge.com/2021/4/26/22403344/diy-device-yayagram-telegram-voice-messages-physical-phone-switchboard

Pokemon Go Cheater: https://kotaku.com/pokemon-go-player-celebrates-holding-gym-for-1-332-days-1846775605?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=news_tab&utm_content=algorithm

Jeff Goldblum playing DnD: https://io9.gizmodo.com/jeff-goldblum-is-doing-a-dungeons-dragons-podcast-wh-1846781705/amp

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“NewsSting” and “News Theme” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)

Going Through Who 12.13: Brave New Town

On this episode the crew covers Brave New Town with our last outing with Lucie, a town that is out of date, an explanation of the Bryan Adams joke, the best tranquillizer scene ever, The Autons make their appearance, a little bit of handwaving, and a fun explosion moment.

To find previous episodes go to: tscn.tv/gtw

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Want to support our content? Go to tscn.tv/support to find out how!

Send feedback to: goingthroughwho@gmail.com or comment in the post below!

music by ThePantychrist

Artwork by Baniee

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