Going Through Who 11.3: Stage Fright

On this episode the crew continues the countdown to the end of the sixth Doctor with a look at Stage Fright as the Valyard ramps up the attack, the Jago and Lightfoot universe gets to shine, and we get into some philosophy.

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music by ThePantychrist

Artwork by Baniee

God Is Great 209: The Ark Brought To Jerusalem

On this episode the crew covers 2 Samuel chapter 6 with a metaphor about wine, Sue has some notes on Levitates, Uzzah makes a bit mistake, an old time worship band, a bit on sacrifices, and an an uptight situation.

To find previous episodes go to  tscn.tv/gig

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Theme song by Danny Lewis

Artwork by Kevin Draper

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Samuel’s Thoughts 123: A Bookish Episode

On this episode I talk about a library screw up and a figure from my childhood that is not only still alive but has lived past 100!

Library Story: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-suffolk-52412655

Beverly Cleary: https://www.thevintagenews.com/2020/04/25/beverly-cleary/

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“NewsSting” and “News Theme” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)

Going Through Who 11.2: The Red House

On this episode we cover the second story in The Last Adventure boxset, The Red House by having a talk about Charlie, concern for a coat, werewolfs in reverse, hippies in a commune, a change of perspective, a slow burn effect in these stories, what is The Valeyard up to, the plots of the main characters being not quite what we thought, and a few predictions, and the things the Doctor Who community is doing during the pandemic.

Free Big Finish Stories each week: https://www.bigfinish.com/

Doctor Who Watchalongs: https://twitter.com/Emily_Rosina

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music by ThePantychrist

Artwork by Baniee

A Friendly Conversation 12:Remarkably Horrible By The Second

On this episode we hit our one year anniversary with Shae getting into the production game, Samuel goes back to familiar territory, vampires are back, talk about spoilers, science fiction concepts, a little bit of wisdom, and conspiracies.

To find previous episodes go to: tscn.tv/afc

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Artwork by Baniee

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