God Is Great 206: The Battle of Gibeon

On this episode the crew covers 2 Samuel chapter 2 with David having to regroup, another king trying to step in, two side characters appear, the field of rock, and how this story applies to the recent unpleasantness.

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Theme song by Danny Lewis

Artwork by Kevin Draper

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Samuel’s Thoughts 120: Knives and Toilet paper out

On this episode I talk about the Covid-19 and I cross another movie off my list of shame as I review Knives Out.

To find previous episodes go to: tscn.tv/st

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“NewsSting” and “News Theme” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)

Going Through Who 10.12: The Wrong Doctors

On this episode it’s time for the crew to go back to the Big Finish archives to deal with one of the two Trial of a Timelord paradoxes as we cover The Wrong Doctors with a brain breaking time puzzle, great supporting characters, a corporate alien race, a villain that takes advantage of The Doctor, making Mel better, and a bit of Evelyn time.

Next times story: https://www.bigfinish.com/releases/v/doctor-who-the-widow-s-assassin-864

To find previous episodes go to: tscn.tv/gtw

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music by ThePantychrist

Artwork by Baniee

God Is Great 205: David Hears Of Saul’s Death

On this episode the crew starts 2 Samuel with Saul and his children being wiped out, David learns about it, a talk on second hand accounts in the bible, possible motives for a lie, and Davids focus in the whole conflict.

To find previous episodes go to  tscn.tv/gig

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Theme song by Danny Lewis

Artwork by Kevin Draper

Send feedback to samcastfeedback@gmail.com or comment on the post below

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